
14 February 2009


Sunnyboy loves looking at maps and so we've had various maps stuck up around the house since he started showing an interest in them, but they were all getting a bit tatty. One of our recent charity shop finds was a set of glossy maps for £1, so today we updated our map collection. They look really good and should last longer than the paper ones did. I don't know how much Sunnyboy currently understands about maps but he enjoys looking at them and talking about where people and places are. He recognizes maps of the world, and will also tell me it's the world if he sees a globe or photograph of the earth from space.

A map of the British Isles on our living room door

A world map and a star map in our hall

Sunnyboy also has a globe beach ball and when we play with it he requests this song:

Top Of The World by The Carpenters

More maps

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