
26 March 2009

The cafe with the play-house

I had no plans for today, but Sunnyboy did. After playing indoors and in the garden this morning he decided we should go to the cafe with the play-house. It was pouring with rain when he came up with this plan but he didn't mind and said "I'll take my umbrella". The rain had stopped when we left the house but there were lots of puddles to jump in on the way. He was in a hurry to get there.

On the way home we saw someone flying a kite,

Sunnyboy had time to stop and play,

and we stopped at the charity shop to buy him a ladybird pocket-watch for £1. He calls it a tick-tock.

Finally, I have a question today. Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can facilitate Sunnyboy's interest in gates?


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day, and that watch is very cute.

    No gate ideas, unfortunately...

  2. Love this post. Sunnyboy has a lot of energy and life.

    Love your blog...and the natural consciousness.

    Thanks for visiting my Necessary Room blog and for leaving such a lovely note.

  3. You live in the most beautiful place in the world! Hmmm...gates...gotta think about that one...I like the gate he made. Do you have to say a password for it to open? Is there a troll guarding it?

  4. He's been making gates like this for a long, long time (no passwords or trolls that I know of!). I spent months picking up chairs and stools thoughout the day until I finally realised they weren't just chairs on their sides, they were gates. So now I leave them and today I had to climb over three gates just to get from our living room to our kitchen. Any ideas for gate activities or inspiration would be very much appreciated!
