
17 March 2009

Yesterday and today

Yesterday we spent most of the day in the garden again. Sunnyboy found a fly-swat and told me he needed a tennis ball. He then spent a long time playing tennis with the fly-swat and a soft-ball (we couldn't find a tennis ball) and cheered himself each time he hit it, which was actually quite frequently.

Today Sunnyboy's Nana and Grandad visited and we all went to the playbarn. Sunnyboy loves going to the playbarn and had a wonderful time running, climbing, jumping and sliding.

Later he had fun painting with finger-paints.

He also tried out his new Rainbow Art watercolour set, a fantastic charity shop find for 30p.


  1. What a fun time you have with Sunnyboy. It looks like your weather was good too.

    I am soooo glad to have seen lots of Green in your post today. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

    I don't need to pinch you.

    Come on over to my Page Today and Give a Holiday Shout Out to others.



  2. Oh, I love this time of year when garden time becomes so inviting!
