
31 March 2009

Mother Nature in our corner of the world

Se'Lah from Necessary Room has asked " What's it like in your neck of the woods?". She's interested in how Mother Nature presents herself in different corners of the world. This afternoon we decided to go looking for Mother Nature at one of our favourite places to go for a walk. We headed off for an all-day vegetarian breakfast first,

and then we went to the cemetery.

Mother Nature was everywhere.

We didn't see any of the squirrels today but we saw birds,

and clouds,

and some big puddles.

There was lots of blossom,

and other flowers.

On the way home there were more things to see and do,

and back in our street Sunnyboy found a stick for his stick collection.

You can find out about the Mother Nature game at Se'Lah's Let's Play a Game post.

See more outdoor pictures at Outdoor Wednesday


  1. how beautiful all the blooms are. I am glad you both got out to enjoy it all. canana

  2. Canana, we had a lovely day. Sunnyboy was asleep early tonight!

  3. Happy Outdoor Wednesday

    Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  4. I am floored by the beauty you captured in Mother Nature today!!! You have inspired to play this game again soon. Absolutely enjoyed this post. Thanks for playing along ;-)

  5. Se'lah, this was so much fun I'd love to play this game again soon! Today was a reminder to me that Mother Nature has beauty for us everywhere if we look for it.

  6. It looks like you had a wonderful walk! So many lovely flowers...

  7. I love the calmness in graveyards. How many beautiful flowers you captured!
    Happy Outdoor Wednesday,

  8. Fascinating! It was so cool to take the stroll with you both. Sigh... thanks for taking me away for a few minutes...

  9. He looked like he had a great time and your pictures showed how much fun you had taking his pictures! What a great day you both had!

  10. How lovely all your photos are. I know your son was enjoying splashing in the big puddles. : )

  11. Happy Outdoor Wednesday! Lovely photos and what a lovely boy! :)

  12. What a lovely picture you painted with your photos. I felt as though I were there with you on your nature walk. Thank you for sharing your beautiful day. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.
