
23 March 2009

Mummy and Me and an award

When Sunnyboy was younger I searched the internet to find children's books with positive images of breastfeeding and attachment parenting and last week's Book Sharing Monday post featured one that I found and bought for him from Amazon. This week I've chosen a book that we came across by chance in a charity shop. Mummy and Me is a Baby Einstein book by Julie Aigner-Clark (with illustrations by Nadeem Zaidi) and includes a baby deer nursing and a baby orang-utan who is carried everywhere by it's mother.

'I am a baby deer.
I am brown with white spots.
My mummy lets me drink her milk and
makes sure I am well fed.
"I'm hungry, Mummy!" '

Find out more about Book Sharing Monday at Serendipity.

An award:

I'm delighted to have been chosen to receive another Lemons to Lemonade Award from Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile. This fantastic blog is a wonderful resource for anyone who loves children's books, with so many great book reviews that you're guaranteed to find something for your wishlist if you visit.

As I've already received this award very recently I decided to pass it on to one other blogger, who also has a passion for children's books, Het Lieveheersbeestje. She is a stay-at-home ladybird-mom in the Netherlands who is incredibly creative and blogs about crafts, children's activities and children's book reviews and book activites amongst other things. This is definitely a blog with great attitude!

The rules of the award are as follows:
1) Put the logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
3) Link to your nominees within your post.
4) Let the nominees know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5) Share the love and link to the person from who you received your award.


  1. Congrats! I love people who make lemonade out of lemons. Glad to have found another one, =).

  2. Oh, this is so lovely! I will place this award on my blog soon. Am I free in making a choice or is it meant for mums/dads that do book activities with their children? (My english is not perfect yet...)


  3. The lemons to lemonade award is for blogs that show gratitude and good attitude (tha's why I chose you!) but as I already received it recently I decided to just pass it on to one blog instead of 10 again. I got it from a childen's book loving blogger and as my post was about children's books I thought I'd mention that you like children's books too. But really it's for gratitude and good attitude and if you want to pass it on to 10 blogs you can. The rules are under the award picture. I hope that all makes sense :)
