
6 April 2009

Baby's first year photos

When Sunnyboy was a newborn a relative mentioned to me about a 'Baby's First Year' photo frame that he'd seen, with photographs labelled from 0-12 months. I went looking for one in the shops but they were £16, which was out of our price range, so I decided to make my own. I struggled a bit trying to work out how to fit 13 pictures into the frame and finally decided to have 16 squares. For the extra 3 pictures I added a 4 month footprint, an 8 month handprint and a picture of myself with Sunnyboy at the end. I really enjoyed making this over the year and was pleased with the end result. At the moment it's in a clip-frame but eventually I'll find a nice secondhand frame for it.

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  1. Aw, I have to file this idea away for when baby #2 arrives in August. I love finding frames at Goodwill or thrift shops. If they're knicked, you can just fix 'em up with a permanent marker or some paint.

    Again, great idea!

  2. This is so lovely, I love how you included the hand and foot prints. Of course, you needed to include yourself holding the babe.

  3. That's a fabulous picture - and a great Make Do project! One of my nieces will be turning one in just a few weeks. You might have just turned me onto a great gift!


  4. You are so clever and creative. It seems you're always taking on a challenge to recreate something or solve a pesky problem. Thanks for participating!

  5. That's simply gorgeous. Love your artistic style.

  6. So, so sweet. I get a lot of great ideas of you, Sunnyboy's mamma. I must do a better job at creating photo memories for her and us.

  7. that is a wonderful idea! precious memories. last year i gave my daughter a photo journal i had made up of photos of her life so far & wee pictures & letters she had written, i so enjoyed making it up.

  8. How cute AND creative! Too bad all mine are older than a! I love the hand/foot print included :) So sweet!

  9. I love this idea and how precious it would be for the mom at first birthday party

  10. Sorry to be so dense...did you print them all the same size and adhere to cardstock? Or what?

  11. What a great way to fill in the extra spaces - with hand & foot prints. That is a special reminder of your babe's first year!
    Have a great weekend.

  12. Michelle, I started it when he was 3 months so the first 4 pictures I printed and stuck along the top row. Then I chose a photo at the end of each month and added them one by one. I still had the picture hanging on the wall during that time and slowly it filled up.
    I keep meaning to start putting together one with yearly photos in now.

  13. Oh yes and I did stick them onto cardstock. I could have been more precise cutting them out as some are a bit wonky and not quite the same size, but I didn't have much spare time in that first year. This was one of the few projects I even completed!

  14. Great idea, and this looks lovely!

  15. This is really fun - I love photo collages. Nice look with the added prints. THanks for linking to Kid Friendly Friday!

  16. This is so adorable!! I do a yearly photo collage for the kids (one pic per month), but I like how you have added the footprint and hand print. What a sweet way to keep a memory of the first year.

  17. I have one of those frames that I got as a baptism gift and I have to say I like your version a lot better. Those frames are kind of cheesy anyway.

  18. Katie, yes I did think the frames I saw in the shops were a bit cheesy too :)

  19. LOL...yes, I know what you mean. I actually have one of the frames and there are only 3 pictures in it. SO, yeah.

    Okay, this sounds easy enough. thanks so much for the tips and the extra help. ;}

  20. I have one- I thrifted it a few months back. It has one large oblong slot for his newborn photo, and then around the photo like a clock, there's twelve more slots. Yours turned out quite lovely :)
