
2 April 2009


I received a government leaflet in the post yesterday informing me that 'every three and four year old is entitled to a minimum of 12 1/2 hours of FREE early learning per week' and from September 2009 some two year olds. The front page of the leaflet has a happy little picture with the caption 'I sing songs at nursery Mum goes to work La-la-la-lah!' The back page simply states 'Research shows that good quality early learning can give children the best start in life which means they're better prepared for school'. There is no explanation of this research and no references or studies quoted.

Sunnyboy and I sing together everyday. We sing at work together too. I believe Sunnyboy's best start in life is with me, not with strangers in an institution, and I love being with him as he and I learn FREELY everyday.

So, no thank you, we won't be needing any 'FREE early learning' and we won't be preparing for school.


  1. It's amazing how much stress and anxiety you're freed from when you're not worried about them doing "better in school", isn't it?

    La la laaaaah!

  2. Love reading your posts. Wonderful perspective on life.

    Happy Love Thursday!

  3. As if a classroom could ever provide a more rich environment for our little ones than the wide world and secure potential of our own homes. What a blessings to feel secure in our decisions to keep our children by our side.

    Wonderful that you have found ways to include him in meaningful work.

  4. Amen!!!!! Says who??

    I work at home everyday and my daughter is by my side. I keep wondering why I attracted such a stressful non-fulfilling role to make money and everytime I look at my little girl, I reminded of why...

    And God knows I am GRATEFUL!

  5. From your posts it is clear that Sunnyboy receives a lot of excellent learning, enjoyment, and fun everyday with you!

  6. Amen to that! I feel so badly for the many children I know who are in after-care because both parents work and they can't go home after school! Being at school from early morning until 5pm must be so awful for a young child--no matter how much singing they do!

  7. Feels a bit like Government propaganda... 'Dig for Victory' and all that. Hmm.
