
1 May 2009

A toy pond

Last week Thrifty Craft Mama posted about making a simple dollhouse using a shoebox lid, some fabric scraps and some cardboard. As one of Sunnyboy's interests at the moment is the pond in our garden, I decided to adapt Thrifty Craft Mama's idea and make Sunnyboy a pond. We used an old puzzle box, an old piece of shiny, blue wrapping paper and some pictures of greenery torn from old magazines.

We glued the blue, shiny paper to the bottom of the box and then ripped strips of the magazine pages to go round the edges. We found a set of frogs in the charity shop recently so they were perfect for the new pond and we also got a fish and a duck from Sunnyboy's basket of wooden animals and put those in the pond too.

Another of Sunnyboy's current interests is reenacting the opening scene from Madagascar and here's Marty the Zebra ready to jump over the pond.

Thrifty Craft Mama is a wonderful resource for anyone interested in doing crafts with young children. She has lots of great ideas for simple and free/inexpensive craft projects.

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.



  1. Very cool! Love it. Thanks for sharing this great idea.

  2. We have that zebra, lost in our van. Whenever I go over a bump, he says, "You guys are crazy!" I am ready to find that zebra and throw him out the window! I love your pond, by the way. So cute!

  3. Momma Snail, that's so funny! :)

  4. What a wonderful idea!
    Rainer will love this project.

  5. Thanks for sharing that link.

    And to your other commenter--we also have one of those Madagascar guys lost in our car somewhere. So at random moments we here "I like to move it, move it.." which is oh-so-annoying!


  6. How adorable! I love doing crafts with my daughter.
    Have you thought of making and donating to children in need or sick children? These projects of yours always brighten my day.

  7. This is lovely! Thanks for linking to me, too!

  8. I love that! What a wonderful idea

  9. This reminds me of a time, oh back in about 1967 when an egg carton became a runway for my Barbie ... a lot of work went into the preparation of that so she could model a new outfit. You may have created more than a pond, you may have created a memory that lasts more than thirty years!

  10. That is so effective - I love it!

  11. That turned out great. That is a super fun idea.

    Thanks for linking.

  12. How neat! I wanna do this~

  13. AnonymousMay 02, 2009

    That is going to be so much fun! Thank you so much for sharing.

  14. That is so cute! I miss doing things like that with my children. They grow up too fast!

  15. Just wanted to let you know that I left an award for you over at Healthy Moms.

  16. I love the pond idea. It came out really cute.

  17. That's so cool! I love this! J and I do crafts together but they don't turn out like this... I guess we need to practice more.. Ok, You've set the new standards.. Off to finding some stuff to work with...
