
6 June 2009

A bouncy castle and a black eye.

Today we went to a festival in our city centre and headed straight for the bouncy castle when we arrived. Sunnyboy had been on the bouncy castle less than five minutes when he got accidently kicked in the face. After a visit to the first aid tent for a cold pack and then a walk round the festival, we went back to the bouncy castle and Sunnyboy spent the rest of the day on it.

See more colourful pictures at Color Carnival
See more yellows at Mellow Yellow Monday
See more reds at Ruby Tuesday


  1. Awww, poor little guy! Glad he went back and had some fun :-)

  2. Oooppss...that's a lot of colors for Sunny boy. Must have been for him.

  3. Oh my goodnes, poor little sunnyboy. I'm glad he is alright, oh and that bruise. Wow. Good for him for not being afraid to try again!

    Lisa :)

  4. Oh, no. Poor kid. That is good that he went back in and had so much fun. Good for him!

  5. Sweet little guy : )
    Good for him jumping right back in, looks like he had a fun day!

  6. Glad he enjoyed it in the end! I love the color in the photos...

  7. Those things scare me! It amazes me whenever gerrick comes out of one having NOT been kicked in the face.

    Poor little guy--that's quite a shiner he got. Glad he didn't let it spoil his fun, though. :)

  8. poor guy!! Isnt it crazy that those bouncy houses can be so dangerous!? Hope his eye heals fast and glad he had a blast- my little man loves those too!!

  9. Poor little guy! I'm impressed he went back to the bouncy castle to play some more.

  10. Glad that shiner didn't scare him off. Such brilliant,bright happy colours for the kids to bonce around!

  11. Aww, poor sunnyboy! I see that little bruise :-(

  12. oww, he's got a booboo. Anyway, he had lots of fun! I could see that!

  13. Awwww....poor little guy! I'm impressed that he just bounced right back to the castle. Lots of nice colours here!

  14. ouch! that hurt!
    what a nice blog dedicated just for sunny boy...

  15. Poor litle fella:-( I think getting back on the horse was the right thing to do though:-)

    Looks like he had great fun.
    Milly still loves them !!

    ((XX)) for Sunnyboy x

  16. What a brave little sunnyboy he is, fab pics too :)

  17. Yikes! Jumpy castles definitely can bring on injuries. When my son was 4, he head butted into another child and ended up having 2 teeth taken out. Thank God they were baby teeth, but was without his permanents for a year. :D

  18. Hope he's feeling ok. Glad to see nothing stops our sunnyboy from having fun.

    Go sunnyboy!

  19. He doesn't looked phased by the kick at all. Poor guy, the last shot is so precious.

  20. AnonymousJune 07, 2009

    Pour fella... but those bouncy houses are a blast. I'll never forget when Deladis broke her arm, she was around Sunny's age. She didn't want to have to be hurt and leave the park.

  21. Poor wee soul - great to see him bouncing back though - looks like great fun xxx

  22. That was quite a bump but he sure looks like it was the best of times!
    Vibrant lovely yellows!

  23. The black eye doesn't seem to have slowed him down at all. I've come to look forward to seeing pictures of your little guy.

  24. I'd say Sunnyboy bounced right back from the accidental kick. He looks like he's having a blast!

  25. oh, poor sunnyboy! hope his blackeye is gone by now. the bouncing castle looked like a lot of fun though...

  26. Yup, the boy's got grit. Looks like the acquisition of that shiner didn't slow him down at all.

  27. Poor little guy. :-(

    But I'm so glad he got right back in and didn't let it slow him down. Great attitude !

  28. Looks like a lot of fun! I'm glad he chose to play..

  29. Fun photos...and what a cutie he is...

  30.'s part of growing. He had lots of fun this time.

  31. AnonymousJune 09, 2009

    I take my boys to a similar jumping place in a rainy day - because that one is inside. They are having a great workout!

  32. Poor little sunnyboy. Well, he got right back on the horse, so to speak...and it looks like a good time was had by all.

  33. Your little one is a brave little guy getting over his injuries and just getting on with playing! Bright and colourful photos!

  34. Bless his little heart..he really did get a shinner here.
    Looks like he went on to have lots of fun.

  35. how cool he is to go back and have a great time anyway!!

  36. It looks like he had a good time... black eye or not. It probably won't be his last either....

  37. Oh, poor baby! I hope his little eye has healed by now. But those little ones, they take a lickin but they keep on tickin.. Ms J would have done the same and got right back in there... Feel better Sonnyboy...

  38. Thank you for all your comments :)

    Srp, that's very true, and it wasn't his first black eye!
