
15 July 2009

Our weekend in Windsor

Last Friday we went to Windsor with a group of our neighbours for the annual conference of the Confederation of Co-operative Housing and spent the weekend at an hotel & conference centre with beautiful grounds and gardens. Sunnyboy really enjoyed his holiday, our first since we went to the CCH conference in Blackpool when he was nine months old.

See more outdoor pictures at Outdoor Wednesday


  1. Oh, these are just the cutest pictures of him! So sweet! And look at how much fun he's having with those GIANT chess pieces! I fully expect Alice and the White Rabbit along with the Queen of Hearts, the March Hare, and the Mad Hatter to appear at any moment. This looks like a fun place and oh, so beautiful, too! I love England!


    Sheila :-)

  2. How fun those chess pieces are! And gorgeous buildings, too.

  3. that chess set looks like great fun!

  4. While I posted earlier, I wanted to wish you and Sunnyboy a Happy Outdoor Wed...


    Sheila :-)

  5. Beautiful scenery... I think I would have joined in on the fun of moving those huge chess pieces around.. That is way cool!
    Happy Wednesday!

  6. What FUN those chess pieces are! My girls would do the same thing Sunnyboy did. Looks like a great time. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Oh those are the most precious pics of him. Just precious. And Windsor, oh my gosh. What a wonderful time he had. Can he play chess, or does he just like the pieces? Great post. Country Hugs, Sherry

  8. oh this is so fun. a wonderful outing

  9. I gasped at the cuteness of your guy with those chess pieces. What a dream it would be to play lifesize chess. Fun!

    Have a great day!
    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  10. That life size chess set is SO COOL! and your lil' guys seems to have enjoyed it - thoroughly!

  11. Hi...your pictures are wonderful and the little one is tooooo adorable. Love the chess set. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.


  12. I love the pictures of Sunnyboy with the chess pieces. It's so nice of you to share what will become your memories with us. Have a wonderful day.

  13. I love the picture with the fountain in front and the hotel in the back. Very picturesque. I'm sure sunnyboy could spend hours moving those chess pieces around. That is such the boyish thing to do!!

  14. Sunnyboy is so adorable! The fountain is great and I love the life size chess pieces! Great photos!

    Thanks for sharing!


  15. Seems like a fun place to visit with kids.
    Have a nice outdoor wednesday, Annemieke

  16. Wow....those giant chess pieces are fabulous! What a great holiday.

  17. What a beautiful place! Sunnyboy looks like such a big boy in some of those photos!

    ELK and I are going to have another Pet Parade, on July 29th! I would love it if you and Sunnyboy could join us with any animals or critters you meet during your adventures!

  18. He looks like he was having a blast! How much fun was that? Imagine if we had chess pieces that were almost as tall as us, it'd be a blast!

  19. Those giant chess pieces are too fun & your son is adorable!

  20. What a pretty place. Those giant chess pieces are really fun!

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  21. Our novice chess player. How cute.

  22. Great pictures of Sunnyboy enjoying himself. Co-operative housing is interesting - there is not enough attention paid to housing issues in this country. Thanks for the link. xxx

  23. We are moving to a housing coop at the beginning of August. I am really excited!
