
16 July 2009

Summer nature basket

I'm late posting this but here's our summer nature basket.

Nature table links:
A Waldorf Nature Table is a Wonderful Addition to Any Home
Flickr: the nature table

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. Love the photo above the basket. The starfish and the little smiling faces made me smile. Glad to be back in blogland!

  2. The starfish adds such joy.

    What a nice basket.

  3. It looks lovely... a great reminder of all things Summer!

  4. I have neglected my seasonal table after haou have inspired me to make a few changes. xx

  5. That's a fun basket! I particularly love those little smiling bumble bees. Cute as can be.


    Sheila :-)

  6. what a nice basket, I too love the pic above it!

  7. Such a lovely idea. It's perfect for posting on my 'Friday's Nature Table' today... pop over to my blog and post a link.
    Blessings and magic.

  8. How colorful and fun! I love it! Thanks for playing as always! :-)

  9. I really have pretty imaginations of Sunnyboy, he's such an adorable kid just by the looks and the photos and the toys you show here. Great post here.

  10. What a lovely basket! and I love that photo above it too.

  11. Just today at our attachment parenting meeting, we discussed the Waldorf method and I thought of blogs like yours. I like the idea of a nature table . . . we currently have a rotating nature "museum" that consists of old milk cartons taped together and filled with items that Annabelle finds here and there.

  12. Me, too, I love the photo and literally the "bare back" shot. And those toys are so cute.
    I played Color Carnival here

  13. What a marvelous idea, and colorful photo! My entire house is kind of a nature table, it would be great if I could contain it to one spot! LOL.

    From everything I ever observed, Waldorf methods are wonderful. Good for you!

  14. Very creative and of course, colorful post!!

  15. I keep meaning to put together a basket with the kids...such a fun activity!

  16. Great basket, fun idea.

  17. I have a photo of my nieces children posed at the beach just like the photo above your basket.

    This is such a neat idea. I will have to share it with my niece. Would be a nice addition to her photo.

  18. This is lovely. Thanks for the link to the article, too.
