
11 August 2009


Green Mamma has awarded me the Kreativ Blogger Award. Thank you Green Mamma!

Here are the rules of this award:
1. List 7 things that I love
2. Link back to the blog that awarded it to me
3. Choose 7 blogs to award as 'Kreativ Bloggers'
4. Comment at each blog to let them know they’ve been chosen

7 things that I love:
Attachment parenting and unschooling
Working at our charity shop
Being outside in the garden and places we can be close to nature
Our bed

These are the 7 blogs I'd like to give the 'Kreativ Blogger Award' to:
Garden Mama
Journalling through Photos
What Do We Do All Day?
A Mountain Mama
Annette Quirke

Sara at Ordinary and Awesome and Joy at Mommy's Joy have awarded me the A Sushi Grade Blog! Award. Thank you Sara and Joy!

"A Sushi Grade Blog is fresh, lively and of superior quality. It is rare, has character and is of good taste."

Here are the rules of this award:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
Pass the award to 5 other blogs. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

These are the 5 blogs I'd like to give the 'A Sushi Grade Blog! Award' to:
Journey Wildly
From Clutter To Shine
muddy bare feet
Dare to Know

Buckeroomama at Mamahood, Among Other Things... has awarded me the Friends Blog Award. Thank you Buckeroomama!

"This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

Here are the rules of this award:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
Pass the award to 8 other blogs. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

These are the 8 blogs I'd like to give the 'Friends Blog Award' to:
Corridor Living
Necessary Room
Operation You
Green Mamma
Our Unschooled Family
Authentically Unique
ingrid liddle is kind of cute
Living the Dream

Nichol at Kiddies Corner Deals has awarded me the It's a Major Award. Thank you Nichol!

"This award is for anyone who likes to smile and/or laugh, and just generally spreads that along in the blogging world we all travel in."

Here are the rules of this award:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
Pass the award to bloggers who like to smile and/or laugh. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

These are some of the blogs that make me smile and/or laugh, that I'd like to give the 'It's a Major Award' to:
Planet M Files
Sewing Chick
My Practically Perfect Life
Mamahood, Among Other Things...
Hopeful Insights
The Expanding Life
The State I'm In......
Thrify Craft Mama
Frugal Family Fun Blog
5 Orange Potatoes
Charlie and Me
Mozi Esme
Flow of Love
Mmmm Mama
Dylan's Wild Rumpus
Zach Aboard
The Wilson-Parkes Family Tree
Veggie Way

Mel at From Clutter to Shine and Buckeroomama at Mamahood, Among Other Things... have awarded me the One Lovely Blog Award, which is for newly discovered blogs. Thank you Mel and Buckeroomama!

Here are the rules of this award:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
Pass the award to up to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

These are the 15 newly discovered blogs I'd like to give the 'One Lovely Blog Award' to:
Rambling Through Wonderland
Free to learn an lovin it
Science no more?
Live Free Learn Free
Sweetness & Light
Bohos in the Country
This Side of Town
Have Kids, Will Travel
Mama Liddle
Writing in Faith
Cave Mother
Homeschooling: Freedom and Fun For Your Family

Gina at Our Unschooled Family has awarded me the Your blog is as deer to me as cupcakes Award. Thank you Gina!

No Rules!

These are the blogs I'd like to give the 'Your blog is as deer to me as cupcakes Award' to:
All of the blogs I'm following!

There are so many wonderful blogs that I enjoy. If I haven't visited you recently please accept my apologies as I'm really behind with my blog reading. I hope to catch up and visit everyone soon but please accept the "Your blog is as deer to me as cupcakes Award" in the meantime. Also, there are several bloggers following SunnyDayTodayMama who haven't left a link in their profile. So if you're following me but I haven't visited your blog please leave a comment for me with a link, as I would love to do so.

Finally my congratulations to MaryAnne whose gorgeous new baby daughter Lily was born last week, and to Cascia who has a beautiful new baby son called Christopher John "CJ". They are both adorable!


  1. Congrats on all your awards. Thanks for sending one my way.

  2. look at you with all of your awards ; ) you are a very sweet mama congratulations and thank you for thinking of me, that means so much!

  3. Wow! Congrats on all those awards, you definately deserve them. :) And thanks for mentioning both of my blogs!

  4. hello, sunny mama! i am ecstatic! thank you so much! my first award! now if i can only figure out how to put that on my sidebar...kisses!!

  5. Congratulations on your awards. Didn't you do well! A

  6. Congratulations on all your awards! I enjoy reading your blog and I'm glad to know you like reading ours!

  7. Wow, that's a lot of awards :) Everyone loves to keep up with Sunnyboy!

    Thanks for thinking of my blogs, too!!

  8. Congratulations on all of your awards!


    Sheila :-)

  9. Wow! I can't believe how much work you put into honoring and acknowledging other bloggers who've influenced you! Thank you! I'm happy to have awarded you the Kreativ Blogger award (I just love your photographs and thoughts on parenting and education), and I'm honored to be considered a bloggy friend (I feel that way too).

    Ooh, and thanks for sharing all your favorite blogs in this post; I'm off to explore now, :-)

  10. Wow! well done on getting all these awards! I can see why you got them've got a great blog and I for one enjoy catching up with all your adventures with Sunnyboy! Thank you so much for the Kreative Blog really means a lot:-)

  11. Your blog is well deserving of these abundant blogger gifts!

  12. Wow ! That's a lot of awards !! I am of to check out some of the recipients ...

  13. Congrats on your awards, and thanks for awarding me!

    I have lots of new blogs to check out. :)

  14. Thanks heaps for the award!! I'm awfully behind myself....summertime busy and all that!!

    I graciously accept!!

  15. my my my, this post must have taken some time. I have strung a handful of awards together like this before and it took hours! I am sure I will enjoy looking into the blogs you share here. Thank you for this. You most certainly deserve each and every award! Your blog is awesome!
    Thank you for including me in this post, it means that world that you enjoy visiting my blog. Tis mutual my lady.
    With warmth,

  16. What a fantastic post! Awards everywhere for everyone! I'm honored! Yes, friendship is precious and I value it with all my heart! Thank you! I will pass the torch. You are such a sweet heart!

  17. Thanks for spreading the sunshine and making our day!

  18. I am so honoured to be in such great company. You are sooo kind sunnymama.

    Thanks for introducing me to some other blogs. I look forward to visiting.

  19. Wow thank you Sunnymama! And kudos to you for all of the fabulous awards as well!

  20. Wow, you have won so many awards.. congrats!! And thank you so much for passing one along to me! That has just made my day!!

    I love coming to your blog and seeing all the wonderful things you and sunnyboy are up to!

  21. Wow thank you!! I haven't had much time for blogging these past two weeks because we've been on vacation and now we're tearing apart the bathroom for a remodel (Didn't I just regrout the bathroom a few months ago...?!?) I appreciate the blog award and kind words very much, that's for sure!!

  22. Thanks, Sunnymama!!

    Congrats to you!!

    I am so glad that we've crossed paths in this arena, I love to check in and see what you and Sunnyboy have been up to!


  23. Congrats on your awards... and thanks for sending one along to me, too! :)

  24. Thanks for the award.
    It's nice to see all these mama bloggers sharing their journey.

  25. Wow so many awards, well done and thanks for mine!

  26. Congratulations on your awards! And, thank you for giving one to me!

  27. Wow! Congratulations on your awards! Thank you so much for mine. That was very sweet of you. I love your blog too :)

  28. Congratulations on the awards, and thank you for passing one on to me! I always enjoy reading your blog, Sunnyboy always looks like he is having such a wonderful life :)

    Thank you for the congratulations on baby Lily, too!

  29. thank you so much for thinking of me.I also enjoy so much reading your blog.

  30. Congratulations and thank you! ... :0)

  31. Thanks! That's very sweet of you. Sorry I couldnt get back to you earlier - i am just catching up on a week's worth of blogs today.

    thanks again.

  32. Thanks Sunnymama for the blog award. I really appreciate it and am glad you are enjoying the interviews.

    I don't think I'll have time to pass it on according to the rules so thanks also for letting me out of that. :)

    It sounds like your boy is still pretty young? You are certainly welcome to participate in the blog interviews if you want to, or you can wait until he's older. But either way, I'd love to have you participate if you want, just let me know.

  33. Thank you!

    I haven't been reading my blogs either, or posting for that matter. We had a lot going on in July (vacation and move), then the computer crashed. I'll be back checking things more regularly soon.
