
27 August 2009

Gift of Jewels

Jacqui at Corridor Living has been to an amazing place called Jupiter Artland and she's posted some fantastic pictures. Nozy, when you get your campervan would you take us there please?!

We won't be going to Jupiter and beyond just yet but I am looking forward to receiving a "gift of jewels" from a blogger in another part of the world. If you'd like to take part in this project, and send and receive a greeting card in the post, then call by at Se'Lah's Necessary Room and leave a comment at her gift of jewels post by Friday 28th August.


  1. I am so excited and can hardly wait to get my precious "gift of jewels"...oh, who will it be from?


    thanks so much for spreading the love.

  2. I'm so looking forward to Se'Lah's Gift of Jewels project!

  3. Me, too!!

    Maybe we'll get each other, Sunnymama!!

    You never know what you might get in the mail from me, haha!

    As crazy as it has been around here lately, it might be my camera memory card, or my toothbrush...I can't seem to locate either this morning. I can use Berg's toothbrush until I can get to the store this evening, but those little memory cards are a bit pricey sometimes. And, furthermore, what if I find them both in the same spot? What was going on there? :)

  4. @Cam, did you check behind your radiators? I discovered the other day that Sunnyboy had a whole stash of books, toys and clothes behind one of our radiators, some of which had been missing for weeks! Still haven't found where he's hidden our travel alarm clock though :)

  5. I'm so excited about this pen pal project!

  6. Jupiter Artland really does look like an amazing place - thanks for linking over!
