
3 August 2009

Groove in the vastness

Abraham-Hicks and Louise Hay groove in the vastness.

"Groove in the vastness of it all and allow life to float things towards you. All you have to do is breathe and relax, be grateful, enjoy life, love yourself and multitudes of goodies will come your way. And so it is!"
Louise Hay

More great stuff from Abraham that I've been listening to, and been inspired by, this week:

*Operation You is the home of Inspirational Monday. You can get more inspiration there and are invited to stop by and post your links of inspiration.


  1. I adore Louse Hay! It was one of the first books I read when I began my healing journey! I haven't viewed the videos yet because I'm on my way to the airport. I can't wait to look at them! Happy Inspirational Monday! and thanks for adding a little inspiration from this corner of blogsphere!

  2. GReat videos Sunnymama , although i still have to wach the longer one- I love Abraham and Louise Hay too. Grooving in the vastness - wonderful. xx

  3. A friend loves to send me these folks quotes. This last you tube was so fun to hear. Thank you!
