
29 August 2009

What We Need Is Each Other

'...we are local people who must raise our children. We all say that it takes a village to raise a child. And yet, in modernized societies, this is rarely true. Instead, we pay systems to raise our children—teachers, counselors, coaches, youth workers, nutritionists, doctors, McDonald's, and MTV. We are often reduced as families to being responsible for paying others to raise our children and transporting them to their paid child-raisers. Our villages have often become useless—our neighbors responsible for neither their children nor ours. As a result, everywhere we talk about the local "youth problem." There is no "youth problem." There is a village problem of adults who have forgone their responsibility and capacity to join their neighbors in sharing the wealth of children. It is our greatest challenge and our most hopeful possibility...'
What We Need Is Each Other
No matter how hard they try, our very best institutions cannot do many things that only we can do.
by John McKnight
posted Aug 05, 2009

John McKnight is a professor at Northwestern University, where he is Co-Director of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute and Director of Community Studies of the Institute for Policy Research. He delivered this address to the Coady International Institute in Nova Scotia.
YES! Magazine

April 2009


  1. This simply rocks!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. hi, true, 'what we need is each other'

  3. I agree ! I read yesterday some words on Attention Deficit Disorder... may be - before all explanations - a consequence of the agitated life of "family agitation"... To grow in harmony... the harmony must be found... and it's our responsability too...

  4. This is so true! I was just having a conversation about this with another friend this morning. I keep saying that maybe our poor economy these days will force us back to a more simple way of life where we'll regain "the village" and the family unit too.
    Have a great week ahead with your sunnyboy :-)

  5. So true - and very well put.

  6. This is so true. I agree with Martha, I think the state of the economy is a blessing in disguise. So many people are having to reassess everything they know and believe and make new decisions for their families. BAck to simple pleasures and local communities :-)

  7. Well Said and the world would be a better place if all of us followed that motto.

  8. I wish you lived closer to me, we have so much in common. I would need some time to read more of your posts, but your quotes I have read in the many many parenting books I have read. I am presently reading Everyday Blessings by Myla and Jon Kabat-zinn, have you read it, It's a sweet reminder, we need those at times. The wonderful thing about living on our farm is that we have lovely staff around and they always play and help with the children, it's a great help and this is when i believe we need a community to raise children. It's a shame there aren't any alternative moms and families around here though.
