
24 November 2009

A rubbish dump

Every so often our Housing Co-op hires a skip to take stuff to the tip and inevitably there'll be a pile of rubbish waiting to be taken away between skips so we end up with a mini rubbish dump behind the Co-op's meeting room. It looks untidy but the children love it.

September 2009

See other people's worlds at My World Tuesday
See more outdoor pictures at Outdoor Wednesday
See more Make-Do Mondays at My Practically Perfect Life


  1. looks like is a play land to every kid :). their imagination is so wild a lot more adults should be like them ^_^.

  2. Looks like a fun day!!! I just wanted to stop by and say I'm so sorry its taking so long to get your Fertilaid winnings to you. I tried to get my husband to mail it and the pressure of an international ship was more than he was prepared for, LOL. In any event, I will be on its way soon!

  3. Yes, the kids would love that - great photos.

  4. It surely is a good break for adults to see things from a child's perpective. It was wonderful observing how the kids kept busy with their brand of fun.

  5. I think I can use those woods to turn into a wooden house for the kids. It's definitely better than my cardboard house that I made for my baby.

  6. Proving the adage... one man's junk is another man's treasure! :-)

  7. Your housing coop seems like a magical place for a child to grow up!

  8. Who needs a room full of expensive plastic toys when you have a small rubbish dump, lol!

  9. Looks like unschooling at it's finest to me :-)

  10. It is amazing what things children can find to amuse themselves.

  11. We can relate to why kids like that kind of temporary things. They can play and build mock-up structures until one or all gets tired or bored whichever comes first. Very nice post.

  12. Ah yes, it looks like quite the treasure trove for the kiddies! How I remember those days as a child, making do with what we had, and using our imaginations to have so much fun. :)

  13. I always like to see what Sunny Boy is up to. I see he is having fun and helping, both. Good boy.

  14. One man's dump is another man's treasure! This is their treasure and I see it got their creative juices flowing!

    They looked like they were having so much fun ;)

  15. How fun! I love to see how children see things so differently - this is certainly not a junk heap to them, it's a playground! Happy Outdoor Wednesday! Kathy

  16. Kids love that sort of place! Great memories of the best years of their lives!

  17. I can see it's a very popular place for kids to play. Do you think if I ask nicely that they'll let me play too. :)

  18. I can see that this would be a really fun place to find that perfect 'thing' for that perfect 'job'. My son who is 14 would have a wonderful time figuring out how to use all these wonderful cast offs and make something fun out of them!!

    Thanks for sharing with Make-Do Mondays. See you later and have a wonderful week!!

