
2 December 2009

Home Education at the Botanic Garden

Last week we went to the Botanic Garden with our home education group, for an apple workshop. We listened to apple stories, tasted different varieties of apples and did some apple crafts. At the beginning of the workshop the woman running it asked the children to introduce themselves and Sunnyboy was first to be asked "Can you stand up and tell us, what is your name?". He stood up and proudly replied "What is your name."

After the apple workshop we all went on a nature walk around the Botanic Garden.

Glittery apples

Nature walk finds (our favourite is the Osage Orange fruit)

See more outdoor pictures at Outdoor Wednesday
See more Friday's Nature Tables at The Magic Onions


  1. That is so cute how he replied! Love the last picture the best, that smile on Sunny boys face could light up a room!

  2. hehe!

    he's surely crack my poker face, with a reply like that!

    Come visit my Wednesday if you have the time!
    Life is beautiful!

  3. Oh, how cute! You know, I think Sunnyboy has grown in the last couple of months. He is such a cutie pie, and look at all he found!

    He looks so proud of his finds...

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday!


    Sheila :-)

  4. how fun, My daughter and I did this with the little ones. We took them to great grandma's house and picked apples off her trees.

  5. We call the Osage Oranges hedgeapples and the trees grow wild along fence lines...
    Sunnyboy is so sweet...and he said exactly what the lady asked him to say!!!

  6. He is such a lovely little boy and I love how he answered that lady

  7. These pictures are great. It looks like you all had a great time. Sunnyboy is a character he did exactly what he was asked to do. How cute !!

  8. Children are funny! That sounds like a wonderful program.

  9. He is growing like a weed. Your pictures are just wonderful. I hope you are having a great Outdoor Wednesday.

  10. what a great post. makes me miss summer!

  11. Nature is an entire part of education... you're right ;)

  12. oh the botanical garden look so nice outside! And the fountain... wow.. I am in awe~

  13. I hope illness will go away for you... Read you soon ;)

  14. He must have made everyone in the workshop smile.

  15. Sunnyboy is cute and funny! It looks like everyone had a great day at the Botanical gardens.
