
26 May 2010

At the Botanic Garden with Canana

I'm finally making a start on catching up on posts after neglecting this blog for several weeks. I'm also hoping to visit all my blogging friends soon. I've missed reading your blogs and am looking forward to catching up with everyone.

May has been a busy month for us and began with a visit from Sunnyboy's grandma, Canana, which was very exciting as they were meeting each other for the first time. While she was here we had some lovely days out together and the first place we went was the Botanic Garden.

See other people's worlds at My World Tuesday


  1. How exciting for Sunnyboy and Canana to finally meet one another! Looks like they enjoyed one another's company =)

  2. Oh, how wonderful! It looks like a love match. This is so sweet, and I'm glad you shared this joyful time with us. :-)

  3. looks like a wonderful day! great photos.

  4. AnonymousMay 26, 2010

    sounds like a great day out!

  5. No wonder you were gone so long!
    It looks like you had a wonderful time with grandma and thats much more important. Those memories will be treasured for many years to come!

    Thanks for sharing your time at the Botanical Garden!

  6. Looks like you had a great day and lovely pics too!

    Not sure if you've already done this but I have tagged you in the 7 interesting things about me meme over at my page

    Ive just signed up to your blog too it looks fab

  7. The gardens look beautiful. It looks like you had a wonderful day.

  8. How wonderful to have a real live granny about. A lovely outing and the love in the air is tangible in your photos.

  9. What tender and loving shots!
