
3 May 2009


I'm delighted to have received two awards which I now have the pleasure of passing on to some wonderful blogs I love to read.

Thrifty Craft Mama has awarded me with the “Premio Dardos” award for "bloggers who distinguish themselves for showing cultural values, ethics, great and fun writing skills, as well as individual values, through their creative writing." Thank you Thrifty Craft Mama!

Here are the award rules:
To accept and show the distinct image
Show the link to the blog from which you were given the award
Choose 15 blogs to give the award

These are the 15 blogs I've chosen to give the "Premio Dardos" award to:
Necessary Room
Operation You
Our Unschooled Family
The Snail's Trail
The Wilson-Parkes Family Tree
Veggie Way
Green Mamma
Frugal Family Fun Blog
The Baby Dust Diaries
Corridor Living
I must be in a good place now
Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile
You know how we're an art family...
Living and Learning
Loopity Lou

Healthy Moms has awarded me the "One Lovely Blog" award, which is for newly discovered blogs. Thank you Healthy Moms!

Here are the rules of this award:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
Pass the award to up to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

These are the 15 blogs I've chosen to give the "One Lovely Blog" award to:
A Mountain Mama’s Blog
Breeze Daze
Happily Blended
Hopeful Insights
Ingrid Liddle is kind of cute!
Mama Notes
Momma Molly
My Barefoot Babies
Planet M Files
Seeking Imperfection
sugar boot and weasel
The Little Travelers
Zach Aboard
Lisa Russell

There are so many more blogs that I enjoy reading. Some of them I previously gave the "Lemons to Lemonade" award. To all the other fantastic blogs I've been visiting and following thank you for your inspirational, creative and fun posts, and thank you also to the lovely bloggers who've been visiting and following this blog!


  1. Dear Sunnymama:

    I am dually flattered and honoured to accept this blog award. Thank you sooo much for thinking of me.

    You already know how much I admire you and sunnyboy.

    One Love Sister!

  2. Groovey!! Thank you so much!! I accept! I accept! Thanks for passing the torch and I gladly will pass it on.

    I love coming to Sunnydaytodaymama so very much... I am so enlighten all the time..

  3. Thank You. I enjoy your blog too!

  4. Thank you!!! :) I read a lot of those blogs too and they're all so wonderful! Here I am off to read more.... :)

  5. thanks so much! I think I gave that award to thrifty craft mama! Can I have the other one? Just joking. I was just griping about annoying negotiations to do with our house purchase this month, and your post put a smile on my face. Thanks again. :)

  6. Thank you for the award! I love your blog, too! I totally wish I lived where you lived! It sure would be a fun playdate!

  7. Thanks for the award! So many great places to visit little time!

  8. Thanks so much for thinking of me.
    I also enjoy reading your posts so much.
    With much love,

  9. Thank you sunnymama! I am so enjoying your blog, and by the way, thank you for including my blog and taking the time to post some 30 blogs in your award post! Phew, that must have been some work.

  10. Thank you for the award! I don't know if I know 15 blogs to pass it on to, but I'll see what I can come up with. Thank you for your nice comments on my blog. :)

  11. P.S. Congrats on receiving One Lovely Blog Award. You so deserive it!

  12. Thanks for the award! I have found a lot of great blogs and am glad to have found yours :)

  13. Congratulations on two awards! Thanks so much for the inclusion of our little blog in your list.

  14. Thank you so much! I love your blog too, and wish we could actually come for a playdate in the garden. :)

    I look forward to checking out all the great sites you linked.

  15. Awww, you made my day! Thanks so much!

  16. Thank you very much Sunnymama. I am so pleased to have discovered your blog - it inspires me very day and is worthy of lots of awards. I am thrilled that you enjoy reading my wee blog too. xxx

  17. Thank you! I so often wonder if I'm talking to myself; its nice to know that not only is someone reading my blog, they are enjoying as well! :)

    Love the umbrella in the garden picture!

  18. Although when I received this award from you, there were suggested steps to follow, you know that I am unorthodox. :-)
    One Love, Se'Lah

  19. Se'Lah,
    Unorthodox is good! I like unorthodox ;) I'm very honoured that you decided to choose me as one of the blogs you're passing the award on to. Ah, now what shall I do with it this time :)

  20. I posted your award here:


  21. Awww...thank you so much! :)

  22. Wow thank you very much! My first award (I didn't think anyone but my parents were paying attention)
    I will pass it on thoughtfully!
    I truly appreciate your kind words! And I am having fun following along with your blog as well.

  23. Awww, thank you so much! I have been really busy and am just catching up on my blog reading. That is so sweet of you!

  24. so sweet- thank you, and it's a lovely graphic, too. i am honored:)
