
7 May 2009

Blogging friends

I only started this blog three months ago and in that time I've found so many interesting and exciting blogs. Two of these blogs belong to Se'Lah and Vchelle and I found them as a result of participating in Love Thursday. Their blogs have become very special to me because I know that when I visit I will always come away feeling uplifted and inspired. They've both created little havens of peace and reflection and I look forward each day to stopping by and sharing in that, as well as finding out what they (and their lovely daughters) have been up to. I feel so very welcomed by them both and am happy to be able to say that blogging has brought me such wonderful new blogging friends. I'm also honoured that Se'Lah and Vchelle have this week awarded me the Premio Dardos award. I won't be passing this award on as I already received and passed it on earlier this week, but I do want to say thank you to them both not only for the award but also for their friendships, which mean so much to me.

A few of the posts by Se'Lah at Necessary Room that have enchanted, delighted and inspired me recently:
Make Way: Adventure...
Road Trip: Adventure...
The Butterfly...
Anansi's Globe of Light...
Thank you Se'Lah for sharing your enthusiasm, honesty and joyfulness. You have raised my awareness on many important issues and I appreciate your consciousness.

Some lovely posts from Vchelle at Operation You that have filled me with a sense of peace:
There's Hope
Internal Anthem
The Tea Party!
How was your good day?
Thank you Vchelle for sharing your wisdom and love. You have such a wonderful outlook on life and I appreciate your radical freedom.

Happy Love Thursday blogging friends.

See more Love Thursdays at Chookooloonks


  1. Ah, I love Se'Lah as well. Gorgeous blog, lovely woman.

  2. It is that smile that greeting a kindred spirit brings...

    That smile I wear all the time as I scan these sacred spaces.

    Congrats to you & Happy Love Thursday!

  3. Oh wow! You got me again ;-)

    You know I think the world of you! And sunny boy! You two have really enlightened my parental spirit...making me ask: "why not?".

    I definitely cherish you and your blog. I was hooked from my very first visit.

    I sometimes feel that I see the world a little "differently" shall we say and I'm so glad there's someone else out there.

    Meeting you in blogland has definitely been a highlight and I will cherish your friendship for always, even though we now live a world apart.

    I love you!

  4. OMG! I'm sooo sorry that I didn't come and visit sooner.. I'm juggling alot these days with my hubby working out of town. I'm so, so touched by your words Sunnymama. You bring in the sunshine in my life in so many ways. I'm trying to express it here but words can't express the gratitude I'm feeling right now. You are so amazing! I aim to practice being a good mom and Sunnyboy's mama helps me with that! Sending lots of kisses and love to you and Sunnyboy from me and Ms. J!

  5. Oh and thank you! (smile)
