
10 May 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all who are celebrating today. In the UK we celebrated Mother's Day on 22nd March and this was my Mother's Day post.

I also would like to recommend this moving post, Remembering Childless Mothers, at The Baby Dust Diaries. While you're there do take the time to read her suggestions on How to support a friend with infertility.

My thoughts are with all the childless mothers who are waiting for their miracle babies.


  1. Oh a very happy belated Mother's Day for March ;) It's funny that we all celebrate these days at different times throughout the year.

  2. AnonymousMay 10, 2009

    Happy Mothers Day -- Such a sweet post.

  3. Happy mother's day to you,too :)

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you, sunnymama! I had no idea you had yours in March??! I just read the link on the Baby Dust Diaries and I couldn't agree more with the idea of being a mom even before you had a baby to mother. I was a nanny for 13 years before Ingrid was born and I always knew I was a mom. I always knew somehow my days would be filled with being a mom, when the time was right. I'm so thankful that Ingrid is who I get to mother :) Give your sunnyboy a hug from us today!

  5. Happy belated Mother's Day!

    Thank you for the links you shared, and your Mother's Day post was lovely.

  6. Happy Mother´s Day to you too!

  7. Happy Mother's Day to you again and again! Thank you for the links. I enjoyed reading them. I was one that was married 10 years before we conceived. I wasn't worried, didn't try anything extra and knew that if it was meant to be it would be. I went to the Doctor's office because I thought I had the flu. When I walked out of his office knowing that I was pregnant, it was surreal! I want to share the whole story in it's entirety so I will be posting about it really, really soon! To all of the mother's out there with children and without, sending you lots of support and love on this Mother's Day! You are truly an inspiration to my Being!

  8. Happy Mother's Day to everyone - including us in the UK. Your mothers day post was beautiful Sunnymama xxx

  9. Great links. We probably all know someone who is a childless mother. I'm very inclusive and celebrate life everyday. So happy day to all!

  10. Vchelle, that's wonderful I'm looking forward to hearing more :)

    Se'Lah, I'm sure we all do!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. Thanks for all the lovely comments :)
