
11 May 2009

I'm Made of Mama's Milk

The book I've chosen to share this week, 'I'm Made of Mama's Milk' by Mary Olsen, is the only children's book we own which includes photographs of human babies nursing. It's not hard to find children's books that are full of images of babies drinking from bottles and using pacifiers, but I would love to see breastfeeding portrayed more often in children's books as the normal and natural way to feed and comfort babies.

'I like to drink while warm in the bath'

Two of our other favourite breastfeeding children's books are Mama's Milk by Michael Elsohn Ross and Mama Mama by Jean Marzollo. You can read more about children's books that are supportive of attachment parenting and breastfeeding at Kellymom and Attachments.

10-16th May 2009 is National Breastfeeding Awareness Week in the UK.

Find out more about Book Sharing Monday at Serendipity.


  1. I am so looking for a copy of these books. What a beautiful gift to give to new mothers too. Changing the image of breastfeeding starts one person at a time, right?

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I too would like to see more of such books. My 3.5 year old and last baby just weaned. I'm a little sad but we were both ready.


  3. Wonderful choice...This book is on my amazon wishlist!

  4. I know a soon-to-be mama that this would be perfect for! Thanks!!

  5. We have this book too....its just wonderful :)

  6. What a wonderful book! I'm off to find it!

  7. beautiful book! I'll have to order it the next time I'm buying from amazon.

  8. Great book choice. xxx
