
15 June 2009

A caterpillar cake

The theme for this week's Unplugged Project at Unplug Your Kids is Homemade.

Sunnyboy recently saw a boxed caterpillar party cake for £5 at our local supermarket and decided to buy it. I explained that it was expensive and suggested we buy the ingredients to make our own cake instead. Our caterpillar cake didn't look like the one in the shop, or even much like a caterpillar, but it was a lot cheaper and Sunnyboy was very pleased with it.

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  1. AnonymousJune 15, 2009

    plus i'm sure you must have both enjoyed making it.

  2. You made a cake and a wonderful memory, too!

  3. Much, much nicer than a bought one and would taste better too and such fun to do. A x

  4. I think it looks fabulous. The reason I feel this way is that Sunnyboy made it with your help. How awesome is that? Very Awesome!!

    You are a wonderful mum letting him explore his world under your guiding care! Keep it up!

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. There's nothing better than homemade cake! Looks gorgeous too!... And baking with the kids is always sooo much fun

  6. Looks yummy. I bet it tasted so much better than the shop bought one - and no nasties in there. Glad Sunnyboy enjoyed it xx

  7. how cool is that! go sunnyboy

  8. AnonymousJune 15, 2009 sweet! The memories are sweeter than the original longing, I'm sure.

    I'm impressed you gave it a go--I'm terrible at trying to recreate things. Martha Stewart has no competition from the Kroeker house, that's for sure.

    You've sure got a knack for making things work!

  9. Very sweet pictures, what wonderful memories!
    The cake looks yummm!! : )

  10. Hmmm, a good training for Sunnyboy. Maybe he can be a future pastry chef or cake baker!That is fun!

  11. Yummy! I had plans to make a caterpillar cake just using chocolate cupcakes zigzagged on a tray - a face on the first and feet on the rest - but the party never happened...

  12. That looks cute and yummy! The best combination of all.

  13. Looks delicious - and I imagine sunnyboy enjoyed making it a lot more than he would have enjoyed buying the one in the store.

  14. And it is a very unique looking caterpiller that looks yummy! Great Job Sunnyboy!

  15. Precious! And, I bet you will have better memories of it since you made it yourselves!

  16. Sunnyboy looks like he is having so much fun with this!!

  17. I think it's cute and the best part was he got to use his imagination to create it.

  18. That is a great and tasty project.

    Thanks for sharing with Friday Showcase.
