
5 June 2009

The nature of unschooling

I saw this YouTube video recently on The State I'm In. This blog also has some great links to free documentaries on the internet.

*The inspiration for Conscious Friday comes from Se'Lah at Necessary Room.


  1. We loved this Sunnymama. James and I are heading off to the woods today, so he enjoyed seeing this video very much. xxx

  2. Thanks for raising awareness for unschooling. I am learning a lot from you on the subject.

    Thanks also for sharing in Conscious Friday.

    One Love.

  3. Thank you. Love the video!

  4. That was a great video! I'm a big proponent of home-schooling kids. I wish that guy was my dad when I was little...what a great educational experience I would have had!
    Thanks for sharing such an inspiring piece :)

  5. Great video! I love reading about what you and sunnyboy are up to, and learning more about your unschooling methods.

  6. Just popping in to catch up on your entries for this week and to wish you a wonderful weekend and great week ahead. Sorry I haven't been by on a regular basis this week - the next two weeks will be even worse. But then finally I'll have some time off! :-)

  7. Thanks for sharing this video with us. I am so glad we are unschooling. it's more then we imagined.

  8. Mmmm.... this is all so true, couldn't agree more!
    I will certainly be passing this link along! : )

  9. Love the video... Ms. J learns so much from just Being in nature and society. She is smart, brave and humbled by life.. She loves life as her mom does too.. I'm so conscious of what can impact her now and I thank you for bringing this to my awareness!

  10. Thanks for sharing this clip! I know my children are so much happier when they get to spend time exploring outdoors especially, but also when they are given the opportunity to come up with their own activities indoors as well.
