
5 June 2009

Voting, the park and an update on snapshot sunday

Today we went to vote in the local elections. Sunnyboy confused "vote" with "boat" and for a while he was convinced we were going on a boat. I had to explain that we were going to the polling station and not the river. He carried the polling card all the way there and handed it to the people on the door. Then we went to the booth and held the pencil together to mark our cross on the ballot paper. He was really happy that he had voted,

and even happier that the polling station was across the road from the park.

Last week for our Snapshot Sunday post I included a picture of a sculpture which was being made in our garden. Several people commented and asked questions about that picture so I thought I'd follow up with some pictures of the finished sculpture. It's now been painted in strawberry colours ready for the festival on Saturday.


  1. Melting....

    My daughter went with my hubby to vote for President of the USA. She still talks about it. That was in November.

    What a great experience for our tots.

    Beautiful post.

  2. Haha, I like that Sunnyboy thought you were going on a boat!

  3. I think it's great that Sunnyboy got to mark your vote on the ballot paper, and how lovely to follow up your visit to the polling station with a park outing!

  4. We took James to the polling station yesterday too - also our younger daughter went with us to vote for the first time! Love the strawberry man sooo much - it's time for all our local town nd village festivals and gals here too. xxx

  5. I love local town festivals! Strawberry man will surely be a hit with the kiddies.

    I know I will always think of boat now when someone says vote. That is so cute! I would rather be on a boat than vote anyday. But I believe in my right to vote, so I will vote and then hope to go boat!!

    Love your posts! Hugs to you......... and Sunnyboy of course!

  6. have loads of fun at the festival :)

  7. Thanks so much for posting an update on this mysterious sculpture! I love it!! Great photos, and I love seeing sunnyboy enjoying the playground and festival.

  8. Sounds like a great day out:-) and loving that strawberry man. Wow!!

  9. That strawberry man is so cool!

  10. Lucky boy!
    Sunny boy!
    Showing him voting and sculpture!!! You rock Mama : )
