
6 July 2009

The Carrot Seed

This book has been on our wishlist for a long time and last week we found it for 50p on a stall at the street party we went to. The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss (with pictures by Crockett Johnson) is a lovely story about a little boy who plants a carrot seed and carries on weeding and watering it despite everyone saying it wouldn't come up. Finally 'a carrot came up, just as the little boy had known it would'.

'A little boy planted a carrot seed.'

Find out more about Book Sharing Monday at Serendipity.


  1. Ruth Krauss is a favorite author around here. Look for more books by her - she pairs up with fantastic illustrators too.

  2. That looks like a great book. I think I've seen her books before. I love the illustrations.

  3. Looks like a cute book.

  4. AnonymousJuly 07, 2009

    Oh we have that one - and love it! Another current favourite is How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers

  5. The illustrator also did Harold and the Purple Crayon, I love that book!

  6. I love the story line!
    Lucky to have found this thrifting!

  7. Thank you for the mailbox kindness :) That book is a great find! I'll have to keep my eye out for it while out garage saling. I bet kids would be much more likely to eat their vegetables if they helped to grow it! And having a book about it really ties it all together.

  8. brilliant book, I'l look out for more by her :)

  9. So adorable. The illustrations alone make me want it on my shelf.
    ; )

  10. I LOVE this book! It was one of my very favorites growing up. (Ages me a bit, though)

    I found one too a couple of years ago, so I could let my kids grow up with it too.

    What a great find and in great condition to boot. Way to go.


  11. i will have to check it out!!

  12. We love this story. My daughter can read this to me by heart. Great find.
