
18 November 2009

Cell phone madness

Corner View is hosted by Spain Daily and we are invited to post pictures telling the stories of our different lives and cultures. This week's theme is 'Cell phone madness'. The challenge was to take a random picture of whatever you see when someone calls you, and then post 5 of them.

It didn't ring.

Well it wasn't switched on so that would explain why. Despite what I wrote earlier this week, in my Inspirational Monday post about modern technology, I am yet to be inspired by mobile phones. I do send texts now and then, and occasionally make a call but other than that it's not switched on unless I'm expecting a call which is very, very rare because normally I tell people to phone our land line instead. It's a pay-as-you-go phone and I topped it up with £20 when Sunnyboy was a newborn. I still have £4 credit left on it from then.

Corner Views from around the world:


  1. I didn't get any calls either; i don't have a cellphone ;-)

    love Daan

  2. wow you sure really use the cellphone very little..

    My goes to MYR150 a month >.<; But even the reload on the go types here has a limit... every month / quarter / yearly we required to load it else it gets barred.

  3. Nice bag! I only use my phone for taking pictures and very occasionally checking my emails - nobody even has the number. :)

  4. Lol! Now that *is* good value. I'm averaging £1 a month, but you have taken it to the next level :-D

  5. I went ice fishing yesterday and there was only a small area of safe ice so we were close. Eleven fishermen in two hours had 17 calls. No I was not one - I forgot my phone at home on the desk.

  6. oh well, you could have cheated but you didn't and, yeah, switching it on would have helped ;)

    I'm only being called by contractors and the like these days anyway!

  7. I'm longing for the lives of folks who don't get calls. I've started to turn mine off....

  8. I remember life without a cell phone... When I wasn't home, people left messages.. Now, if I don't answer, people will call until I answer.. interesting!

    Stopping by to say hi!!

  9. Stg16 in how many years?! Lovely handbag.

  10. Pay as you go phones are great. We are thinking about getting our 12 year old daughter one for Christmas.

  11. I'm not one for talking on the phone, I'm a texter. I keep mine on vibrate in my bra so I know it's going off without annoying people with beeps. I get over 100 texts a day. No joke.

  12. I have a cell phone that my kids call "the brick" I only take it with me when I travel by myself.

  13. At least you have a cute bag...even if it IS hiding your switched-off phone!

  14. How about if I give you some of my callers? Smile... xoxo

  15. Mine gets a daily workout. I rarely use my land line anymore. I stay pretty much on the go, so I guess it's a good thing to have... or not. ;-)



  16. I completely understand. My phone is mostly just for emergencies or for my husband to call me when he needs a ride home from school ( we only have one car). My husband and mother are the only people who have the number, so I don't get many calls.

  17. your "it didn´t ring" cracked me up. my hardly rings either... and i like it like that. besos!

  18. So glad to read I´m not the only one not using a cell phone. I always feel like a fossil not using one. ;)
