
16 November 2009

Chatting with Canana

Today I am inspired by modern technology. One of my reasons for starting a blog (one of several reasons) was to let family and friends know what we've been up to. So I'm delighted that Sunnyboy's grandma in Canada reads this blog. It's lovely to know that she's able to see Sunnyboy growing up even from so far away. (Sorry I haven't posted any Today's Flowers recently Canana. I know you also enjoy seeing the flowers here in the UK but there aren't many in our garden at this time of year!) Even more lovely was that yesterday evening Nozy set up his webcam so that Sunnyboy and Canana could see each other and talk for the first time. How amazing to be three thousand miles away and to be able to wave and chat to each other! I hope that Sunnyboy and Canana will be able to chat together again. For now here are some short videos of Sunnyboy that Nozy took recently.

*Operation You is the home of Inspirational Monday. You can get more inspiration there and are invited to stop by and post your links of inspiration.


  1. the modern technology really brings wonder to everyone. Like in your case, Canana gets to see well, read sunnyboy's growing up stories and pace of your life.

    I would say it has given me much too. I met a lot of friends like yourself and of course my hubby too :).

  2. technology is a blessing. What a nice way to let grandma be involved with sunnyboy. Fun video.

  3. I saw a little boy dressed up as Buzz Lightyear today and I thought of Sunnyboy and smiled!

  4. I loved those little videos of Sunnyboy - I will show them to James in the morning. It's great that Sunnyboy can speak to his Nana via the internet - it keeps the connection real. xx

  5. My sister is in Spain right now, and webcam chatting has been invaluable in keeping us connected. She hates being away from my son (her only nephew) while he is in such an awesome toddler stage, but she gets to enjoy his antics via the internet quite frequently. Isn't modern technology great?!

  6. How sweet - what a great way to stay in contact!
