
2 November 2009

Leaves in the bath

Last autumn we collected a large bin bag of dry leaves from the garden and filled up the bath with leaves for Sunnyboy to play in. Of course, he also played in the leaves in the garden but I thought indoor leaf play would be fun too. He really enjoyed it and was busy in the bath arranging leaves for a long time, eventually pouring water on them and playing with soggy leaves. Our bathroom smelt of autumn for days.

October 2008

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 See more Monday Memories at Planet M Files


  1. That is the coolest idea! I can just imagine how much fun it must have been for Sunnyboy!

  2. That looks like great fun!

  3. How lovely that is. Such a sweet little boy. Kids don't need expensive toys to have fun as you can see, he is having so much fun.

  4. What a brilliant idea! R would love that - may have to give it a go. :D

  5. What a wonderful idea!

    Your blog is a treasure trove of inspirig ideas :)

    Gina xxx

  6. Oh how fun! Sunnybiy must have had a ball! You always find fun things for him to do. He is so lucky to have you..Christine

  7. Smells of autumn in the house is nice! Afterlal the autumn is a really refreshing scent :).

  8. What a great idea! I want to bathe in autumn now!

  9. Leaves in the bath... mud on the feet. You inspire me to let go a little more.

  10. Now you really are a wonderful mommy! You are so creative and carefree. I just love it.

    Stop by and browse a bit; I'm sure you'll like what you see. If you do, then don't forget to click the "Follow" button and just below that you can "Subscribe" to my blog to get informative posts and we can both inspire and share with one another to get our creative juices flowing.

  11. I LOVE this idea. What fun that would be. You are such a cool mom. I love your banner picture for the fall....explain to me
    the "swings" in the background. Are they swings?

  12. I would have never thought to bring them into the tub. What a great idea!!

  13. Sarah, the wooden thing with chains in my header picture is part of a climbing frame so I think those bits that look like swings are actually for climbing, but maybe it would be possible to swing on them too. :)

  14. so awesome! you're such a great mum.


  15. i love how much fun we can have in simple of ways !

  16. What a great idea. How much fun for a kid is that? Was cleaning up a mess for Mom and Dad?

  17. Hi, I'm Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, here from SITS. Bringing leaves into the bathtub - what a clever idea! Looks like he really enjoyed it!

  18. That looks like such a great activity! I might try this. Thanks for sharing! Stopping by from SITS today!

  19. What a fun idea. My boys would LOVE this.

  20. What a great idea! I love the awesome side effect of filling the house with that autumn smell!

  21. That looks like fun and it a lot cleaner than playing outside. MUST REMEMBER THAT!

    Stopping by from SITS,
    Sara Ivy

  22. It is a fun idea! My daughter would love that.
