
20 February 2010

An interesting article...

Supermum, role model or a mite misguided? The headteacher who returned to work SEVEN HOURS after giving birth

"No one made me choose whether to work or be with my baby and I don't think other women should be made to choose either"

Read more:


  1. Holy Cow. I couldn't even WALK seven hours after my son was born. It took me at least 24 to be able to walk again, however I had third degree tearing, including muscles that tore. Ouch!

    Thanks for noticing my layout and header picture are new!! That made me day :)

  2. She lived where she worked and took her baby back to work with her in a sling.

    I used to work in a car garage, you can just imagine how it would have gone down in the workshop, if I had arrived with a newborn baby, ready to muck about with cars. They could only just about cope with the fact that I had boobs!

  3. I've worked with a newborn (a week old). Just mamatoto beslung infant, for an hour's meeting, and only around resting a LOT post partum. Depends what kind of work you do. 0-6months you can get a lot done in nap times.

    I'm all for women bringing children into the workplace - the western division of "work" and child rearing is so anti-child (prob. been reading too much Liedloff or whatever she's called)

  4. I couldn't walk for a couple days, either, so I wouldn't have been able to do that! But I think it's awesome that she's showing the girls at her school that it can be done. I hate that people feel they have to choose between family and work. I feel lucky that my work was family (I was a nanny before Ingrid!) so I didn't have to choose.

  5. I LOVED the quiet days I had with Emma when she was a newborn, just getting to know her. And I've enjoyed that time with my other children, although our house is no longer quite so quiet =) So, I don't think I would ever choose to do this.

    But, I am happy to see someone bringing their child to work, just like sunnyboy works alongside you in your charity shop. I was a course facilitator in the med school before Emma was born, and I remember wondering what would be so wrong with my continuing to facilitate the course with her in a sling. Seemed a good opportunity for students to see a real-live baby and learn about breastfeeding up close and personal! In fairness to the university, I wasn't brave enough to approach them with the idea...
