
29 January 2012

Our favourite spring activities and a blog carnival coming soon

This year at sunnydaytodaymama we'll be hosting a new blog carnival, All Year Round, a quarterly link collection of spring, summer, autumn and winter posts sharing seasonal thoughts, pictures, activities, crafts, recipes, books, art, nature study, projects, celebrations and more. I'm delighted that Mama Smiles, Winding Circle, The Mahogany Way, Smiling like Sunshine and Home Baked will be co-hosting the carnival.

The All Year Round Blog Carnival: Spring begins on 15th February and everyone is invited to link up old and new spring posts. You're welcome to get a button and also share this post and let your friends know about the carnival. We're looking forward to seeing your spring links.


We've been preparing for spring for a while, including planning a new outdoor play kitchen for the garden. These are some more of our favourite spring activities.

Spring nature basket

Spring nature book basket

Games with old calendars

More games with old calendars

Spring cleaning

Working in the garden

Lunch in the garden


A toy pond

Feeding the ducks

A kite

Mother Nature in our corner of the world

Mother Nature in the spring

Spring at the farm

101 inspiring links: spring, creativity and parenting

If you'd be interested in hosting the carnival at your blog too please let me know in the comments or contact us here.

Spring Carnival
Our favourite spring books
Pictures of spring
Preparing for spring
All Year Round Blog Carnival: get a button
All Year Round Pinterest


  1. I'm looking forward to this! Plan to mention it in my February goals post, if that is okay with you?

  2. MaryAnne, yes of course! Really pleased you're going to be hosting too. :)

  3. Oooh sounds fab!!!! Will come and link (and if I don't PLEASE prod me - 15th Feb still so far away ;-)


  4. Oh! I'm really looking forward to your new linky. This will be my first year really blogging in the spring, but we normally do a lot of seasonal activities and crafts. I can't wait to link up and explore what's linked up. Great idea!

  5. What a great idea! I'll tweet & +1 this for you! Thanks for linking up to the Share & Share hop and for the shoutout!
    Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life

  6. Love the photos and looking forward to the carnival, should be lots of fun. Mum and Dad

  7. Nice ideas! I am bookmarking this post. Stopping by from Heartfelt Balance/Handmade Life.

  8. great idea...I will come back and check. Your photos are great!!
    I am your newest follower from the hop! pls follow back if you can.

  9. You know how to welcome spring! With all the sick kids business, forgot to mention this linky in my Feb. goals, but it will be in this Sunday's post for certain - very excited to be hosting with you!

    Thanks for linking up to Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  10. What a lovely way to look forward to Spring.. I bet you can't wait to do all those lovely things now!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  11. Your house is full of Spring Joy! I love it!

  12. ooooh lots of great activities there.

    Thanks for linking to Fun Sparks x

  13. Spring is my fav holiday, count us in. I am so glad I found you I would love to host if you could tell me how :)

  14. Mama Bird, that would be great! I couldn't find any contact details on your blog but if you can let me know your email address, using the contact form here, I'll send you the details for carnival hosts. :)

  15. Spring Time is great :) Thanks for your list of activities and thanks for sharing it with us at Sharing Saturday. hope to see you again this week.


  16. Sounds like a fun carnival. Thanks forlinking to fun frugal friday
