
7 February 2012

Snow and snow experiments

My last post was pictures of spring from the past but, while I've been preparing for the coming spring, we finally got some snow here at the weekend so today I'm posting pictures of winter! After many months of anticipation we excitedly watched the snow falling on Saturday evening and Sunnyboy said "This is the best day of my life." As it was dark by the time the snow started we watched it from the back door and brought some snow indoors to play with. Then on Sunday morning we dressed up warm and went outside to build a snowman with Nozy.

Sunnyboy and Nozy even built an igloo for Spider-Man.

On Sunday evening I suggested we do some snow experiments (inspired by a post on observing snow at makes and takes). First we filled three tubs with snow and put one in the freezer, one in the fridge, and one in the living room. As we suspected the snow in the living room melted very quickly but the snow in the fridge is still slowly melting and the snow in the freezer has stayed frozen. Then we did another experiment with two lots of snow, one tub of untouched snow from the garden and one tub of snow from the path that had been walked on, which we left in the living room and compared to see how clean the water looked when they'd melted. Finally we put some little toys in a tub of snow and some more toys in another tub of melted snow and put both those tubs in the freezer so Sunnyboy has some more frozen toys to play with.

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. Hooray for snow!!! What a wonderful snowman!

  2. Yaay, it looks like you had so much fun in the snow :)

  3. It's snowing here now, too. Although it's not too much yet. You can spray paint the snow with food coloring or Koolaid too. That would be something fun to do! Thanks for stopping by today.

  4. Wish we could have a little more of that snow! About a month ago, my husband and the kids went outside and built a six foot tall snowman. It had all melted by the next morning :( My son would love the Spiderman igloo. I'll have to give him that idea if it ever snows again.

  5. Lover these photos. I feel like I am there playing in the snow with all of you.

  6. The snowman and igloo are great and if the snow is still about as it is at ours then I guess they are still standing. Look forward to seeing them. Mum and Dad

  7. Wow! I wish we had some snow to play in! :) Your snow experiment ideas are pretty neat. I need to add some more science activities like that the next time we get a big snow!

  8. How fun! My little one keeps hoping for a good snow storm, but so far we haven't really had one. Today we have flurries that are not sticking.

    Thank you for sharing all your fun at Sharing Saturday!

  9. This may sound crazy- but I really miss snow around here lately. We have yet been able to build a snow man! TY for linking up to The Sunday SHowcase!

  10. This almost makes me miss snow...almost. But it does look like fun!

  11. Thanks for linking up to Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles! We will have to try some of your snow experiments - if we get more snow!!!

  12. I have to admit Im super jealous you GET to post this...we've had NO snow this year (literally NO snow) (and I am in MinneSNOWta). So glad you shared on TGIF! Would you please link up for Fun Stuff Fridays?

  13. Thanks for linking up to the Afterschool Blog Hop! I wish we had snow down here in the south. Until then we'll keep pretending :)

  14. What a great day! I love your igloo! Testing the way snow melts id great and looking at the different variable that could effect is also a great concept to bring in.

    Thanks for linking to Fun Sparks

  15. Looks like a BRILLIANT day. Isn't snow just amazing and fun! Thank you so much for mentioning our icey craft too!!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  16. I am so glad you got some snow to enjoy!! What an impressive snowman and mini igloo!! Thank you for linking up to The Outdoor Play Party!

  17. Lovin' all that snow! Wish we had some!
    Found you through the winter carnival! Can't believe that I have never seen you before! Very glad to meet you!
    I'm your newest follower. Hope you will hop over and visit us and follow if you like!

    be blessed,
    Julie @ Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk
