
2 March 2012

All Year Round week two: 7 Ways to Get Ready For Spring

Yesterday we went looking for spring on a nature walk and took our new Nature Study kit. Spring is on the way! Here are some of the great posts shared at the All Year Round Blog Carnival with different ways to get ready for spring. You can see more spring posts, and join us, at the Spring Carnival which is open for new links until May. You can find out more about All Year Round here and also follow All Year Round on Pinterest.

The Educator's Spin On It is On the Hunt for Spring, with ideas to spot signs of spring in your neighbourhood and create a spring journal.

Rainy Day Mum is also Hunting for Spring,

and looking at Lady Birds.

The Joys of Home Educating shared a post about Spring Planting.

In this post All Things Beautiful shows how to make a beautiful plant lattice Out of Sticks and Rubber Bands.

One thing I'm especially enjoying visiting all the Spring Carnival links is how different spring looks around the world. Gnomes at Home has snow on the ground and is Garden Dreaming.

In contrast to snow one of the Spring Carnival co-hosts, Darcel at The Mahogany Way, shared pictures of their First Beach Trip of 2012 at the beginning of February!

If your post is featured today you're very welcome to get a "Featured On" button for your blog.



week one: 7 Spring Ideas for Children
week two: 7 Ways to Get Ready For Spring
week three: 7 Spring Crafts for Children
week four: 7 Spring Crafts for All Ages
week five: 7 Spring Nature Walks
week six: 7 Spring and Easter Ideas for Children
week seven: 7 Spring Recipes
week eight: 7 Spring Blossom and Flower Crafts for All Ages
week nine: 7 Spring Things To Do Outdoors
week ten: 7 Spring Garden Projects
week eleven: 7 Spring Nature Projects
week twelve: 7 Spring Book Lists for Children
week thirteen: 7 Blogs in Springtime

Carnival co-hosts:
sunnydaytodaymama, Mama Smiles, Winding Circle,
The Mahogany Way, Smiling like Sunshine, Home Baked
and famiglia&seoul


  1. Thank you so much for featuring us twice :D we're loving spring and getting out more and more this year (last year I was either very heavily pregnant or had a very tiny newborn and an only just walking toddler).

  2. Thanks so much for featuring us! I'll grab that button when I get to the computer. This carnival was such a great idea. It grows everyday it seems. I'm going to go read more of the posts.

  3. Thank you so much for featuring us! I love seeing spring pop up all over the place around the world. It's the every changing moments in time that we want our children to stop and take notice to. Don't forget to make a spring journal with your children so you can remember these special moments!
