
11 March 2012

Nature Journal inspiration and more nature books

Since we went for an early spring nature walk last week Sunnyboy has been telling me when he sees "a nature thing" so we can record it in our Nature Journal. On our next nature walk we're planning to take art materials with us also to use in our Nature Journal. This week we bought some wonderful secondhand books to inspire us.

How to Draw and Paint Flowers by Walter Foster

Color Chart by Walter J. Foster

Color in Trees, Shrubs, Weeds by Frederick J. Garner

Early Spring - Pussy Willows of the Willow Tree - migrating Pintail ducks done in a Japanese print style - pen and ink and rubbed hard pastels

The Art Of Drawing Trees (The Grumbacher Library), designed and edited by Walter Brooks

Time spent on your field trips making note of the mass, structure and textures of the conifers will facilitate your drawing. Whenever possible bring back for study small pieces of branch, a cluster of needles, a small piece of bark, or a few different types of cones.

This children's book is our favourite though.

Insects and Small Creatures (Words and Pictures) by Margaret Clarke

Pictured below are some more of the secondhand books in our Nature Study book collection and two library books we have out on loan (Season to Season and The Big Bug Search).

Season to Season (Natures Patterns) by Anita Ganeri
Book of the Year by Freddie McKeown
Exciting Things to do with Nature by Judy Allen
The Nest: an ecology story book by Chris Baines
The Ladybird Book of The Weather by F. E. Newing, B.Sc. and Richard Bowood
The Ladybird Book of Pond Life by Nancy Scott
The Ladybird Natural History Book: Plants and how they grow by F. E. Newing, B.Sc. and Richard Bowood
The Ladybird Book of British Wild Flowers by Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald, F.L.S.
Nature in the Town by Harry Stanton
Spotter's Guide to Town & City Wildlife by Diana Shipp
Spotter's Guide to Ponds & Lakes by Anthony Wootton
The Big Bug Search by Caroline Young

Here's a double-page from The Big Bug Search.

Homes and gardens
Not all minibeasts live in wild places. Many live in gardens, parks, and even in and around houses. This is a picture of a house in Britain. Can you spot 158 creatures here?

If you have a post about a nature journal, nature and spring books, spring nature walk or any post with a spring theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Spring, which is open for new links until May.


You may also like:

Looking for spring (a nature walk)

Looking at Nature

Nature Study kit

Nature walk finds

10 Nature Study ideas for spring

Spring Nature Hunt free printable

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.

NATURE STUDY on Sunny Days Pinterest.
BOOKS on Sunny Days Pinterest.



  1. I love the beautiful secondhand books that you find! Thank you for sharing them with us - and for linking up to Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  2. Beautiful books. I particularly like 'drawing trees'. What a lovely collection.

  3. Ooh what a great selection of books! Love them.

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty! Great to see you there!

    Maggy & Alissa

  4. Beautiful! Where do you find all these books?

    Thanks for linking to Science Sparks.

    1. Science Sparks, we find all our books secondhand at charity shops and car boot sales. :)

  5. I see these books all the time at garage sales and trift shops - I won't pass them up from now on - I now see the value in having them! :)

    1. LeanneA, here we have charity shops and car boot sales and that's where we buy our books. They are lovely to have! :)

  6. I adore this book collection and have no idea how you manage to find them, but fabulous!

    Thanks for sharing on Family Frolics.

  7. What a great list of books to help with nature study! Going to check them out and the Nature Study Pinterest board as well! Thanks!

  8. Oh, I love all these ideas! Thank you for excited for Spring!

  9. Such a fantastic collection of nature resources! Thank you for sharing with Favorite Resources!

  10. This is great! I'd love it if you'd link up to my linky party at I write three blogs; my homelife blog, kindergarten blog, and literacy blog. I know you're a child centered person, so if you'd like to check them out, you can find links to all three at

    Hope to see you soon! Glad I found your blog!


  11. What a great collection of nature resources!!! Thanks for sharing at TGIF! Have a great week & see you Friday =-)

  12. What a gorgeous collection of secondhand books. I'm really interested in entomology as I creat needlework butterflies, dragonflies and other bugs. Some of your books would be perfect references. They look so lovely. Thanks for linking up with The Weekly Kid's Co-Op!

  13. What a wonderful resource list!! Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! Hope you will share with us again this week!
