
24 April 2012

Bunting made from an old children's book (and a new play house)

Recently I posted about Sunnyboy's new outdoor play kitchen and as well as his new kitchen Sunnyboy also has a new (old but new to us) play house in the garden. It was given to us and Nozy put it together at the end of February. It's a lovely place for the neighbourhood children to play and host mud pie parties, and currently somewhere dry to play during the April showers we've had. When Nozy finished building the play house it got a thumbs up from Sunnyboy.

It's already got a little table and chairs in it but a couple of weeks ago we decided to make it more cosy by adding a rug and hanging up pictures. We also made some bunting.

To make the bunting we used an old damaged children's book and cut out the pictures we liked.

Then we stapled the pictures to a long strip of fabic,

and hung it up in the play house.

We're really pleased with how cheerful the play house looks now with our homemade bunting.

The new play house built by Nozy

If you have a post with a spring theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Spring, which is open for new links until 14th May.


Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. that is an awesome playhouse and a cute idea. Mine are way too big for those things now but oh how I wish they weren't

  2. This is adorable! I love love love it! :)

  3. Love the bunting! I love Brambly Hedge!

  4. really beautiful bunting - and I love the play house

  5. Great idea to use old books for the bunting! I should do that with our Five in a Row book titles to help us remember all that we've read and studied about!

  6. My kids endlessly start tree houses but never complete them! This one looks wonderful with the homemade crafty bits too! Thanks for joining me on Country Kids

  7. How fun! What a beautiful play area!

  8. That play house is incredible! Love the bunting, too!

    Thank you for linking up to Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  9. Thanks so much for the terrific idea. We made one for our playhouse after seeing yours ( Wouldn't they be beautiful in a baby's nursery, too!

    1. Your bunting looks great! It would be beautiful in a nursery. You've inspired me to make more for every room now! :)

  10. Aaah that looks so lovely! A perfect way to upcycle an old book!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!

    Maggy & Alissa

  11. What a lovely idea. That would work perfectly for parties too!

    Thank you for sharing on Family Frolics. :)

  12. What a great idea and a great play house!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! Have a fabulous week!

  13. Oh! I can't wait to try this at home. This would also be a wonderful idea for a classroom. I just love this!
    Thanks for linking up with Fun for Kids Friday. : )

  14. I love that bunting! We have read some Brambly Hedge stories and adore them! Thanks for sharing this with Look What We Did :)

  15. I am going to have to try that bunting idea in my kids' playroom!
