
4 June 2012

Jubilee things

I had no plans to celebrate the Queen's diamond jubilee, and still don't, but with all the jubilee talk at the moment I thought it would be nice to show Sunnyboy photographs of me at the silver jubilee in 1977.

Me (left) and my sister

My sister, my dad and me (right)

Sunnyboy and I decided to mark our own jubilee moment in our family history by making a red, white and blue window display,

and we've seen a lot more red, white and blue in the last few days!

We were fortunate to meet the gentleman who lives here when he arrived home while we were taking photographs of his house. He told us it had taken a month to decorate and he has more balloons to go up on Tuesday. We were very impressed with his window display.

Sunnyboy has also learnt the national anthem, had a jubilee gingerbread man from Tesco,

and I made him a jubilee t-shirt. I did get the flag a little wrong but Sunnyboy was still pleased with it and said he'd also like a bonnet like the one I had when I was a little girl.

We haven't made a bonnet yet but we did make a cardboard tube streamer like my silver jubilee one. Well not quite the same, as we added some stars to the tube and then realised it looked like it was based on the US flag. All in all we were very happy with our jubilee things!

Abolish the monarchy, but enjoy the party!

If you have a post about a summer activity or any post with a summer theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Summer, which is open for new links until 31st August.


Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. I love Sunnyboy's window display!

    Your streamer doesn't look too American to me, because you have blue streamers instead of just red and white, and the stars are all different colors :)

    Quite unbelievable that you have a Diamond Jubilee in the UK this year!

    Thanks for linking up to Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  2. I love the pics that you shared with Sunnyboy! How nice to create a Jubilee moment with you little one that he can remember down the road, too! :)

  3. AnonymousJune 05, 2012

    Love the Union Jack shirt and the streamers, looks like lots of fun had by all for the Jubilee. Glad the photos proved a hit, they look good. Mum and Dad

  4. AnonymousJune 08, 2012

    I love these. It looks like so much fun!
    I also wanted to give you my new link for my blog. The other one was being dumb and I had to restart another one. Here is that link in case you would like to follow again:
    Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.

  5. AnonymousJune 08, 2012

    I love how you weren't really interested in it but taught the boy anyway. Some great ideas and wow what a window display.

  6. Brilliant! Looks like you had a fantastic jubilee!! And so many different jubilee ideas - love the all of it.

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!

    Maggy & Alissa

  7. Wow that is really red, white and blue power and the photo's of you at the silver are so cute!

    That man's house is quite incredible!

    Thanks for sharing in Family Frolics. :)

  8. oh lovely post, my little boy learnt the National Anthem too.


  9. How lovely that you had old photos to show. I wasn't really interested either.

    Thanks for linking to Fun Sparks. xx

  10. So fun!! What a great idea to share your memories as well. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
