
21 September 2012

A day out in London

Last week we had a day out in London with Sunnyboy's Nana and Grandad. The first place we visited was the V&A Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green. After we'd finished looking around the museum we took the tube to Trafalgar Square.

We saw Big Ben in the distance,

and Nelson's Column up close.

Sunnyboy sat on the steps of the National Gallery,

and watched some street performers.

Then after admiring Nelson's Column some more,

we walked across the Thames,

and got on the tube again to go to the Princess Diana Memorial Playground in Kensington Gardens. Sunnyboy loved the pirate ship.

Back at home the next day we made a map of the route we took on the London Underground, starting at Bethnal Green and ending at Kensington Gardens.

A couple of days later we bought a secondhand copy of 'Getting to know London' by Rosemary Stones,

and enjoyed reading about some of the places we'd been to,

and more places we'd like to visit.

If you have a post about an autumn day out or any post with an autumn theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Autumn, which is open for new links until December.


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  1. my two loved The Diana Memorial park in Kensington Gardens this summer too, the ship is fantastic! x

  2. Gorgeous pictures! It is my dream to get to London one day!

  3. This was such a great day out, so well planned to incorporate so much to see and do, thank you and we hope to go again with you. Love the pictures and the map.

  4. Sunnyboy is getting so big and his hair is just gorgeous! Love your day out. So much history and culture. My husbands father lives in Bristol...would love to visit one day.

  5. I just gasped out loud.

  6. A lovely post that just shows fresh air and outdoor fun can be found everywhere. My boys would be just like Sunny boy climbing steps and taking it all in. I have tried and failed to find the memorial garden before, you make it look great for kids so we may have to have another go next time we are up. Thank you for sharing on Country Kids.

  7. This looks like such a fun trip, and a perfect book to go along with it! Thanks for linking up at Favorite Resources :)

  8. My favourite place ever London :) xxx

  9. That looks like a great day out you went everywhere, I bet you knackered at the end of the day. I can't get over how tall Sunnyboy is, is he tall for his age or is it just the camera angle.

  10. Looks like Sunnyboy had a great day in London. Lovely photos and Sunnyboy has grown so much. He is a cutie! have a great week!

  11. Looks like you have a brilliant day out in London.


  12. I love your mapping activity! It's one of the features from Discover & Explore this week -- thanks for linking up!
