
21 September 2012

Autumn jigsaw puzzle tree and sensory tub (and more autumn crafts)

Summer is at an end, the leaves are starting to change colour and we've been preparing for the autumn days to come.

Inspired by i {heart} crafty things we used an old, incomplete 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle to make an autumn tree picture. We chose autumn coloured puzzle pieces for the leaves and used an old brown envelope for the trunk.

With the puzzle box and leftover puzzle pieces we made an autumn sensory tub.

We made a new autumn window display (with clear plastic coverfilm) using leaves, sunflower petals and sunflower seeds,

and a leaves poster (with a page from a sticker book).

We've also started an autumn fairy garden.

If you have a post about an autumn craft or activity, or any post with an autumn theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Autumn, which is open for new links until December.


Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. What great ideas!
    Thank you so much for linking up to Sharing Creative Ideas!
    I'll have some Autumn crafts to share with you soon!
    ~ joey ~

  2. I love your tree! Thank you for linking up to Learning Laboratory :)

  3. Oooh what a fabulous tree idea. I have an old puzzle saved for crafts and this is great!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  4. I love the puzzle tree and the sensory bin, and the fairy garden...okay I love them all! Thanks so much for sharing on the We Made That Linky!

  5. Congrats, your post has been featured on T.E.A.C.H. at Cachey Mama’s Classroom. Click HERE to see and grab a featured button.
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

    1. Thank you so much Lori. I've added your button to my "featured on" page. :)

  6. Very fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  7. Your jigsaw puzzle tree turned out so beautiful!! I love how you used the extra pieces in a sensory bin. Thank you so much for linking back to me as inspiration for your tree craft!!

    1. Thank you for the inspiration Rachel! Your puzzle piece tree was lovely. :)

  8. Ok... LOVE the puzzle tree! I would also love if you would add this to my Mom's Library Weekly Link-Up.

    Thanks and Be Blessed,

  9. Woot! We love this post! Thank you for sharing it in our Crafty Showcase last week. We are featuring you on our blog, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest today.

    Here is your feature

    Stop back over on Saturday and share more of your awesome ideas!

    Have a great weekend!
    susie at Bowdabra

  10. Wow, you guys were busy! I love how you gave new life to the puzzle!
