
28 December 2012

Flowers from 2012

These flowers and more flowers seen on our nature walks and in our garden are for Canana (thank you for the lovely gifts Canana).

1. ... Corner View, 2. ... Corner View, 3. ... Corner View, 4. Looking for spring (a nature walk), 5. Looking for spring (a nature walk), 6. Looking for spring (a nature walk), 7. {this moment}, 8. More nature walks and a nature game, 9. More nature walks and a nature game, 10. More nature walks and a nature game, 11. More nature walks and a nature game, 12. More nature walks and a nature game, 13. More nature walks and a nature game, 14. Spring, 15. Where I live and self-portrait, 16. Where I live and self-portrait, 17. Where I live and self-portrait, 18. Where I live and self-portrait, 19. Where I live and self-portrait, 20. Where I live and self-portrait, 21. Spring in our garden, 22. Spring in our garden, 23. Spring in our garden, 24. Spring in our garden, 25. Spring in our garden, 26. Spring in our garden, 27. Nature walks, a nature window display, gardening and spring flowers, 28. Nature walks, a nature window display, gardening and spring flowers, 29. April View (Nozy's Nature Pictures), 30. A nature bike ride and a swirling stick

1. A nature bike ride and a swirling stick, 2. A nature bike ride and a swirling stick, 3. A nature bike ride and a swirling stick, 4. A nature bike ride and a swirling stick, 5. A nature bike ride and a swirling stick, 6. A new use for an old globe, 7. {this moment}, 8. Dandelions and other flowers, 9. Dandelions and other flowers, 10. Dandelions and other flowers, 11. Homemade pressed flower keyrings, 12. Homemade pressed flower keyrings, 13. Homemade pressed flower keyrings, 14. Homemade pressed flower keyrings, 15. Homemade pressed flower keyrings, 16. Homemade pressed flower keyrings, 17. Homemade pressed flower keyrings, 18. Homemade pressed flower keyrings, 19. Homemade pressed flower keyrings, 20. Summer, 21. Summer, 22. Summer, 23. {this moment}, 24. Summer in our garden, 25. Summer in our garden, 26. Summer in our garden, 27. {this moment}, 28. More summer in our garden, 29. Summer flora and fauna (Nozy's Nature Pictures), 30. Summer flora and fauna (Nozy's Nature Pictures)

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