
11 December 2012

Our favourite winter activities

All Year Round is a quarterly link collection of spring, summer, autumn and winter posts sharing seasonal thoughts, pictures, activities, crafts, recipes, books, art, nature study, projects, celebrations and more. The All Year Round Blog Carnival: Autumn has been extended to 14th December so there's still time to join us and link up your old and new autumn posts.

The All Year Round Blog Carnival: Winter begins on 15th December. You're very welcome to get a button and let your friends know about the carnival. You can find out more about All Year Round here and also follow All Year Round on Pinterest. We're looking forward to seeing your winter links.


Carnival co-hosts:
sunnydaytodaymama, Mama Smiles, Winding Circle,
The Mahogany Way, Smiling like Sunshine, Home Baked,
Connecting Family & Seoul, All Things Beautiful, Like Mama~Like Daughter,
Little Homeschool Blessings, Simple Whimsy

If you'd be interested in hosting the carnival at your blog too please let me know in the comments or contact us here.

Winter nature basket

Our winter decorations

Snow and snow experiments

Indoor snow

Playing with packing peanuts

Playdough little volcano

Freezing toys


Home Education in the snow

The Winter Fair

Our tree

Winter Carnival
All Year Round Blog Carnival: get a button
All Year Round Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the ideas. I love the summer holidays but always find it a bit more of a challenge to entertain the little ones in the colder months! We will be making playdough volcanoes though later! :)
