
14 December 2012

Team Skylanders with Tots100

Sunnyboy has been fascinated by Skylanders for the last couple of months since he bought a Skylanders character (Dino-Rang) for 50p at a car boot sale. The video game is out of our price range at the moment but Sunnyboy has spent many hours watching Skylanders games on YouTube and creating Skylanders characters out of Lego. When we found out that Tots100 are holding a competition to find children to join Team Skylanders Sunnyboy was thrilled to have the chance to enter and set to work designing characters. The challenge was to create your own brand new Skylanders character but Sunnyboy created three new characters!

Headbutt is an undead element. His powers are that he can defeat villians by headbutting things at them. When he sleeps his snores make his horns bang into the wardrobe.

Splat is a magic element. His powers are that he can blow himself up and squash bad guys. He has legs like an octopus.

Stamp is a life element. His powers are that he can stamp his feet on his opponents. He sleeps through winter but can still stamp bad guys while he's sleeping. When he wakes up he throws them off too.

Stamp is Sunnyboy's favourite. Sunnyboy is 6 years old and would like to play Skylanders with a PS3. #TeamSkylanders