
21 February 2013

Ancient Egypt project: how to mummify Action Man

We've been doing various projects on Ancient Egypt and a favourite topic is mummies. Inspired by a post on Kids Activities Blog, Mummification: Let’s Mummify Barbie!, we decided to make an Action Man Mummy.

We collected the things we would need to mummify Action Man (and his cat) then started the mummification process.

Click on the picture to enlarge it and see what we used

First Sunnyboy removed the organs, leaving the heart, and put them into canopic jars. Then he removed Action Man's brain (by inserting a long hook through his nose) and discarded it. He used salt to dry out the body and oils to anoint it.

After the preparations were complete he wrapped the body with linens. Finally he put the death mask on Action Man Mummy and put it in the sarcophagus along with the mummified cat, canopic jars, the Book of the Dead and clothes, food, money and jewels for the afterlife.

We also visited the Ancient Egypt galleries at our local museum and looked at real sarcophagi, canopic jars and a mummified cat.

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15 books about Egypt for children

Another 15 books about Egypt for children

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Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.

HOME EDUCATION: HISTORY on Sunny Days Pinterest.



  1. I remember doing Easter Egypt projects with my girls - now 18 and 20 - think we all learnt and enjoyed hugely as a result!
    Hope you have many more fun projects to come.

  2. A fascinating way to learn more about the burial rites of the ancient Egyptians and the human body, not forgetting the cat!

  3. That's an excellent hands on kind of activity, I love it.
    Tomorrow we may evoke Cthulhu in the garden. ;)

  4. The Egyptians is one of those topics that really captures their interest so much. Even in school, I've always noticed how much my class loved learning about them. I'm sure your lad loved doing this activity.

  5. What a brilliant thing to do they love this in my Infant school at the minute as we are doing Egyptians.

  6. Haha that's hilarious! I think my daughter would do this to all her dolls if I let her!

  7. Such a great idea. I need to take goblin to the British museum to see some mummys.

  8. I think mummification is a great project to get your kids interested in history. It's gross, it's hands on, AND it's a mummy!

    Thanks for linking up to Science Sunday.
