
23 April 2013

Let's get growing! (planting a butterfly garden)

This month we're getting Back to nature with the Center Parcs April Challenge at Tots100 and the theme is 'Lets get growing!' Now that spring has finally arrived we've been making plans for our garden and started with planting a butterfly garden. We planted mixed flowers, lavender and thyme seeds from a butterfly garden pack.

We put compost discs in three pots,

then moistened them with water and watched the soil expand.

When the soil was ready we planted the seeds in each pot,

and labelled and decorated lolly stick plant markers.

Four days later and the mixed flowers and thyme have started to germinate (the lavender will take longer) and soon we'll re-pot the plants into larger containers and grow them outdoors.


Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.



  1. Those compost discs are really cool! My kids would love watching those in action.

  2. Great idea and what a lovely smile.

  3. I've enjoyed discovering your blog - it's lovely! All the best. x

  4. What a beautiful butterfly garden. We are moving to a house with a smaller garden than we have now, next month, and will have to do lots of container growing, this is a perfect project for us, thank you for sharing it x x x

  5. Just 4 days, that is great as children are so impatient to see results! I love the fun tags too. A great way to encourage little garden helpers. Thank you for sharing on Country Kids

  6. You have done so well - I am so useless at growing things.

    Thank you for linking up to the Spring Carnival

  7. Great idea and never seen compost disks before! I'm really trying to get the kids interested in the garden.

  8. I love the simplicity of it, and your plant markers are great.

  9. Fun! How did the plants turn out? And, I love the decorated sticks - what a fun, artsy addition to the project!
