
22 June 2013

Kids Grow Wild (weeding and watering)

We applied to take part in the Britmums' #KidsGrowWild Challenge and were sent a fantastic gardening starter kit.

Sunnyboy was particularly impressed with the gardening gloves and set to work weeding.

He also loved the green (his favourite colour) watering can.

So we have been busy weeding, watering, planting seeds, tending to our butterfly garden and waiting for strawberries.

This post is an entry for BritMums’ #KidsGrowWild Challenge. The challenge is sponsored by, highlighting the enjoyment we can get from our outdoor spaces.

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.



  1. Such a good idea, and great to see your son out enjoying the garden! Popping over from #CountryKids

  2. Sunnyboy looks like an excellent gardening helper. My 7-year-old loves to help with weeding.

  3. These set are great for the kids, I'm glad Sunnyboy is making good use of his and I hope the strawberries flourish. Thanks for sharing your green fingers on Country Kids.

  4. The weather has been great for growing weeds hasn't it - we have loads to do!

  5. Wonderful words and pictures. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part
