
7 March 2014

Suddenly it's Spring

'When the snows melt
and winter goes
it's suddenly spring.

The sun wakes up
and shakes itself.
The sky
is patched with blue
and early in the morning
while the dew
is fresh on the ground
all around
on trees and house-tops
the birds begin
their busy dizzy excited songs.

They sing
their hearts out
because of the spring.'

Suddenly it's Spring by Peggy Blakeley, illustrated by Bernadette Parmentier

You can see more Spring Books at Rainy Days Sunny Days blog and all of the books featured are available to buy at Rainy Days Sunny Days shop.

To celebrate five years of sunnydaytodaymama and our new shop, we have a 10% discount code for all our readers. Use the code SpringFive at the checkout to receive 10% off all orders. The code can be used again and is valid until 31st May 2014.

7 Rainy Day Books for Spring



  1. Hip Hip Hooray!
    popped over from #CountryKids

  2. Spring in all it's glory - it's a very welcome sight, here's to spending more time out in the spring sunshine. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  3. Lovely poem and lovely pictures to go with it. I *love* Spring :)
