
27 April 2009

Charlie and Lola

The book we're sharing this week has been chosen by Sunnyboy. I am NOT sleepy and I WILL NOT go to bed by Lauren Child is a charming story with colourful and eccentric illustrations. Sunnyboy really enjoys the stories of Charlie and Lola's everyday life and their quirky conversations, and I've posted before about how he mastered using the mouse while watching Charlie and Lola clips on the computer.

Usually, when I say,
"Lola, Mum says it is time for bed,"
she says,
"No! I am NOT sleepy and I WILL NOT go to bed."
I say,
"But all the birds
have gone to sleep."
She says,
"But I am not a bird,

Find out more about Book Sharing Monday at Serendipity.


  1. Love Charlie and Lola...

  2. Mia and Tarka like Charlie and Lola too :)

  3. Oh we love Charlie and Lola. Recently James had to spend 2 weeks in traction (Breastfeeding was not easy, or encouraged but we managed) The Charlie and Lola dvds certainly helped us while away some of the time. I so want Charlie to be my big brother xxx

  4. Jacqui, how wonderful that you managed to breast-feed while James was in traction for 2 weeks. What a shame it wasn't encouraged. I know if sunnyboy was in that situation he would be wanting to breastfeed :)

  5. We have a Pippi Longstocking book illustrated by the same person. I just love the pictures! Someone recently told me she did Charlie and Lola, too, so I will have to look at the library :)

  6. We don't have cable, but when we did Emily used to really enjoy watching Charlie and Lola. Now we borrow the DVD's from the library, and watch clips on the computer. The books are so charming, and for a long time Emily called cookies "biscuits", which I thought was so properly British!

  7. Oh, Charlie loves charlie and Lola.....wonder why lol :)

  8. Would love to add the UK version of this book to our collection. Emailing cousins in London and Wales ;-)

  9. Oh this looks so cute! If my little one could talk, I'm sure that's what she'd be saying!

  10. Oh, we love Charlie and Lola! "But Excuse Me, That is MY Book" is a favorite around here. :o) We love this one as well.
