
22 May 2009

Stick puppets

Last week I posted about the recycled notebooks we made from a Bob the Builder book that had been damaged. This week we decided to recycle a Maisy Mouse book that had also lost a couple of pages. We cut out pictures of Maisy and her friends and stuck them to lolly sticks to make puppets. Sunnyboy has had great fun playing with them.

More stick puppets

Thanks to Sherry at Living and Learning for her post on Free Time and Creative Play which was the inspiration for this project.

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. What a great idea! I should try that with my kids if I can find some old books. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Fantastic idea! I learn so much from you Sunnymama. I'm so happy that you have an archive section..LOL! J and I love our creative ideas. I guess I can start showing them from time to time or create a blog just about her.. we'll see.. I can hardly keep up with OY..LOL! And I'm starting grad school in August!! yikes!!

  3. Glad he likes them. Those little stick puppets have become quite an obsession around here.

    Thanks for the link. :)

  4. Now that I've seen this on two different blogs I have to try it!

  5. I love this idea, and I'm sure my daughter would love playing with puppets like these! Thank you!!

  6. This is totally GENIUS!!! Oh the fun this will be!!!

    I could have fun with this too, even at my age and the ages of my kids.
    They will roll their eyes and say 'oh mom' and I will laugh and be a kid again for them to keep to rolling their eyes at.

    Thanks so much for making these and sharing them 'just for me'. (Heee Heee)


  7. Oh I really like this, recycled puppets! Brilliant and if I don't per chance have book to use, I can always find some at my Friends of the Library sale, .25 cents a pop!

  8. when i was a little girl, my mum used to build lamps out of lollipop sticks. brings back memories. love your recycling too.

  9. I am about to begin working with some very special children and I think this is a project that will benefit them on rainy or shut in days! Thank you for sharing this! I will have to let you see what we come up with!

  10. What a great idea!...Christine

  11. AnonymousMay 23, 2009

    what a great idea.

  12. Thats a cool idea! We did a similar puppet project a year ago where we cut out photos of family members and glued them on popsicle sticks to make puppets. Little Bear loved it!

  13. I never thought about recycling old books like that--great idea! THANKS!

  14. Great way to make something old new again. Thanks for sharing!

  15. My kids love stick puppets. I love seeing them use them too.

    Thanks for sharing with Friday Showcase!!!!

  16. AnonymousMay 25, 2009

    I have some half-destroyed books that could be recycled this way--once again, you wow me with your creative making-do. I included your post even though you didn't ask me to, because you so often participate. Take care--hope you get to sit and watch many cute stick-puppet plays today!

  17. Thank you Ann, I was planning on posting this for Make-Do Monday but just hadn't had a chance to get to your blog yet today! I'm going to call over at it now though and see the other Make-Do posts for this week. I always love reading everybodys wonderful making do posts :)

  18. What a great idea1 Thanks for sharing! We have loads of books that are damaged for various reasons and what about hitting garage sales for inexpensive books. Hope you're having a great Memorial Day!

  19. What a great idea! You could also attach them to felt - and they could be used on a felt board. That's a project that I'm making for my nieces, so your idea made me think of that.

  20. Super idea! I love it. :)

  21. What a fab idea!!! =)

    Happy Wednesday!

  22. Great idea! If there wasn't an old book available, another option is to use pictures out of a coloring book, or go online and print some coloring pages, let the child color them, then cut out the pictures from that.

  23. wow fantastic, i cant wait to do this. so simple and i bet the kiddos love it!

  24. What a great idea for books who are going to be recycled! My son makes stick puppets in school a lot and LOVES them!

  25. Fab idea! I will be incorporating this into my preschool classroom for sure!


  26. What a great idea. My son love stick puppets. My son makes stick puppets in school a lot and loves them! Now i cant wait to do this. Have a wonderful weekend and happy Wednesday. thank you for posting and
    sharing it.
