
15 May 2009

Recycled notebooks

There was an unfortunate accident with one of Sunnyboy's Bob The Builder books this week, and it ended up missing the cover and a couple of pages. I don't like to throw away any books and thought we could use the remaining pages to make Bob The Builder recycled notebooks. We took the pages out and folded them in half with our favourite pictures facing out. Then we put some sheets of notepaper inside each one and stapled them at the edge. The notepaper was recycled from an old page-a-day diary that had only been used for a couple of months so had lots of blank pages. Sunnyboy likes his new notebooks and has somewhere to write his 'lists', and I'm happy that we were able to repurpose this loved but irreparably damaged children's book.

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. what a wonderful idea, charlie would love this xx

  2. What a fantastic idea! We have had a few *ruined* books recently, between Willow chewing them and Tarka being a bit too enthusiastic with them...Thanks so much for sharing this!

    Gina xx

  3. Well done sunnyboy! Teaching recycling. I saw some cool images when I was out shooting. Hmmm. I've got an idea... ;-)

  4. What a great idea! My nieces are always wanting a diary to write in, I should make them something like this.

  5. Excellent idea! We have a few battered, but loved books, too. This is a nice way to re-purpose them. Thanks for the idea.

  6. Boy I wish I had you here at my house... I'm hoping that I am not that creative because of my demanding job, at least I tell myself that.. That was a great idea!! and of course, "green" friendly!

    Happy Conscious Friday!

  7. What a great way to make use of damaged books. I love it!!

  8. These notebooks are so cute, and what a great way to salvage a damaged book!

  9. Awesome Idea! Lucky Sunnyboy!

    I think I will try this with some of the calenders from years gone by. I love the photos and can't throw them away. I can't use all of them in frames on my walls- so thanks for this wonderful idea!!!

    Thanks for posting and sharing your wonderful finds, make-do's and ideas!


  10. What a terrific idea!! I definitely have some books I could do that with.

  11. Such a great idea....we are doing some similar book making ourselves right now. I love how blogging friends can be in the same wavelength at times.

  12. That is a fantastic idea.

    Thanks for sharing with Friday Showcase!!!

  13. AnonymousMay 16, 2009

    Great Idea! I have some books that are old and falling apart.

  14. I love this idea... I like to keep small pads of paper in the car for the kiddos for emergency -- if we go to a restaurant or someplace that has a bit of a wait. These would fit perfectly in the glove box!

  15. This is a GREAT idea! You could do this with greeting cards as well. Thanks for linking! Enjoy your weekend!

  16. AnonymousMay 16, 2009

    I love this idea! My oldest would love that. Also, framing them as artwork for the kids rooms would be another way to use the pictures.

  17. ooooo...I'm going to have to copy this idea :)

  18. This is a great idea!

    (found you via GrowingNaturally)

  19. AnonymousMay 18, 2009

    Once again, you remind us to think outside the traditional use of something and create something new.

    You are gifted, and I hope that your creative recycling, repurposing, and salvaging pays off in all kinds of ways for you and your family!

  20. That is cool. My children use cardboard for their home made notebooks and color their own designs.

  21. That's a great idea! Tossing old books is always difficult, and this is a super alternative.

  22. Thank you for this great idea! I think I have ton of planners & diaries & I had never thought to do something like this. Those notebooks look darling. Good job!

  23. excellent recycling! And they look fabulous too!

  24. Great job!! I tried to make recycled notebooks from magazine pictures but it didn't quite turn out right. Did you glue the pictures over an existing notebook or did you make the notebook from scratch? I tried piecing together scrap paper but it was more hassle than it was worth!
    Another cool idea I saw with used picture books was to make a belt buckle out of them. I have no idea where you get the clear belt buckles though! Kids would surely like to wear their Bob the Builder belt buckles (say THAT five times fast!)

  25. sewingchick, I didn't use an existing notebook I just folded the pictures and then stapled notepaper inside. The paper from the Bob The Builder book was thicker than most magazine pages. I ripped the notepaper from an old diary several pages together and then stapled them together so it was pretty quick. They're very basic notebooks but sunnyboy likes them.

    I love the belt buckle idea, that sounds so cool :)
