
13 May 2009


You Capture is a weekly photo challenge at I Should Be Folding Laundry. This week's challenge is Colours.

Laundry drying on the line

A trike that appeared in our garden this week

Sunnyboy's umbrella


A new 'aquadraw' set (50p from the charity shop)

Books and toys

See more colourful pictures at Color Carnival


  1. Your garden can grow tricycles? That's amazing! ;-) Seriously, I am loving the use of color in all of these shots -- especially the laundry and umbrella. Beautiful!

  2. Wow, these are a lot of great colors! I am amazed how many wonderful memes are out there. The blog title of the "You Capture" host made me chuckle, thinking of myself. It's not that I'm neglecting my daily chores. No I'm not...all the time ;). Have a great day, Sunnymama. Gosh, I love your chosen online name.

  3. Valerie, the mystery trike is pretty cool! It appeared a couple of days ago along with a pink bike. I think someone donated them to our garden for the neighbourhood children to play with, but we don't know who the generous benefactor is.

    Rosidah, I know what you mean! I should be folding laundry too :)

  4. Did you make the play dough? I was thinking I should send you some Kool Aid packets--you could make some really colorful play dough then :) Or make the drink and get sunnyboy and the neighborhood children extremely sugared up!

  5. Your photos are beautiful! So full of life and color. Play Dough is one of my most favorite things. I always had so much fun creating things with my kids!

  6. Amber, no we didn't make it. We've managed to find enough tubs of new readymade playdough in the charity shop so far to keep us supplied, but I would like to make some! Kool Aid sounds fun, for play dough and for drinking :)

  7. Perfectly colorful! Thanks for playing along! :-)

  8. I love the picture of sunnyboy with the umbrella! Gorgeous and so colorful.

    I remember babysitting a little girl who didn't want to do anything for 3 hours except playdough! I was more than happy to comply :-)

  9. My daughter loved the maisy books...we actually kept her first box set.

    Love sunnyboy's umbrella

  10. So fun, the colorful life of a child. Cherish it while it lasts :D I know you do!

  11. hi! i´ll add you to the list. un beso! jane

  12. Neat post! Love all the books and the laundry on the line.

  13. Very beautiful and colorful photos!

  14. I love his umbrella!

  15. Yummy colorful photos!

  16. love the umbrella...and a trike that SHOWS UP? how awesome is THAT?

    great captures!

  17. All of these are wonderful. My favorite is the umbrella shot, love the colors and it just looks like a lot of fun :)

  18. AnonymousMay 14, 2009

    Great colors, and lots of fun for the kids!

  19. I love the laundry on the line. Nothing better than laundry dried in the sun. I can just smell it!
    Great captures!

  20. What a joy to identify all the magnificent colors that we are blessed with! Sunnyboy has a lot to play with! wonderful!

  21. Children are so wonderful at bringing our eyes to the colorful world around us, yes? I love that the trike appeared in your yard and I also like the umbrella photograph.

    Glad you two are having some photography fun, :-)

  22. All these pics are terrific.

  23. Wonderful photos, the one with the umbrella is my favorite!

  24. every week I come here and see some FUN times going on in that garden of yours!!

  25. The umbrella is my favorite! If I had one like that, I'd carry it all the time, rain or shine!

  26. Love the colors! We try to fill our house and garden with as much color as possible!

  27. Those are great color shots!!

  28. Visiting from the Color Carnival, just lovely. Your kiddos are super cute.

  29. I really love the umbrealla shot.

  30. i think the thing i love most about your post is your drying laundry shot that you've posted here on the "ishouldbefoldinglaundry" you capture post - lol! kind of a play on words and it makes me smile :O).

    all your shots have lots of great color. i agree with the lady above me - the umbrella shot is cool, too. great sharp, crisp colors in the umbrella. thanks for sharing this week.

    i have my color shots posted now. feel free to come visit and check them out. leave me a comment so i'll know you were there :O). thanks.

  31. Before the pictures in your post even showed up (my internet's running a little slow tonight) I was so excited to read your laundry on the line caption! I love to see clothes on the line and I so rarely do anymore!

    All of your captures are fantastic and it looks like you and Sunny Boy had a good time. How aweseome that a colorful trike and pink bike showed up in your garden. Couldn't ask for better surprises!!
