
9 May 2009


Inspire Me Thursday is a weekly invitation to amuse your inner muse. This week's topic is Family.

The Family Bed

See more monochrome pictures at Monochrome
See more Family at Thursday Challenge


  1. That first pic is so sweet.

  2. We also have a family bed but last week Kiddo got his own mattress, which is now at the foot of the big bed. I must say I do enjoy not being kicked in the middle of the night, he is the squirmiest sleeper! These photos are lovely.

  3. Love the family bed photo, wonderful:) There's five of us in a row in ours!

    Gina xxx

  4. Both sweet pix. How long did you co-sleep?

    As I type that I laugh bc this concept is so foreign to others...much like breastfeeding ;-)

  5. Se'Lah, we still co-sleep :)

  6. What sweet pics- we have never officially called ourselves co-sleepers. Both of our kids have their own beds in their own rooms and I actively didn't want to co sleep, yet here we are, waking up each morning with our kids between us. It is just so natural that it happened without a concious thought. Now when I wake up snuggled next to Jace, the 10 yo, I wonder how much longer I will be able to enjoy something I didn't even know I wanted.

  7. We didn't know to call it co-sleeping or family bed, Dylan just slept with us until after he was three. Then, he wanted his own room. But, for the past year, he has decided that he no longer wants to sleep in any bed. We thought it was his mattress and bought him a new one (since his old one was really old), but found him that very night back in the floor. He even refuses a sleeping bag. He prefers a blanket under him and his trusty batman blanket over him. In doing this, we find him crashed out all over the place, his floor, his closet, the livingroom floor, our bedroom floor.
    The child just flat out refuses to sleep in a bed. So, I guess we do still co-room-sleep a little. lol
    For those mornings we wake up and he's in our floor :)

  8. cute pics;-)
    3 in a row here too :-)

  9. I love love love that first picture!!

  10. These photos made my heart melt... so beautiful!

  11. Awe, yay for the family bed!
    Beautiful photos ^_^

  12. I love the first photo especially, but both are very sweet.

  13. Lovely photos! Brings back memories. I remember always climbing into my mom's bed. It always seemed far more comfy! I think I just wanted to be as close to her as possible 24/7. LOL now my lil one is doing the same thing.

  14. AnonymousMay 11, 2009

    We started what you call co-sleeping over thirty years ago - it was the only way to get decent sleep.

  15. Ohhh a peaceful picture :-))

    Maked me smile, children are the same all over the world, spesially when they are sleeping. never ever as you can feel the love as much as then...

    Form a mother in Norway.

  16. Cute! In the first shot it looks like you're about to arm wrestle:)

  17. Awww, how sweet! :-)

  18. Isn't it great the way children curl up in all sorts of positions to sleep? And when we grow up we're expected to lie nicely!

  19. Our girl is 23 now and hasn't slept with us in such a long while.I remember once we woke up and couldn't find her--she was about 9 mos old. I panicked and found her peacefully sleeping way down by our feet under all the covers. It's a wonder she didn't suffocate. She always climbed into bed with us--sometimes sprawled on top of the covers at the foot or later, in grade school, she'd wake her father up and send him away so she could cuddle up against me to sleep until the alarm that got us all going to school. I was often annoyed, because she woke me up. Boy, I miss that now--the time goes so fast!
